Title: Honky Tonk
Characters: Kate, Sawyer
Word Count: 269
Rating: PG
Summary: Just a Skate ficlet...there isn't much to it.
Warnings: Umm, nothing really! Lotsa dialogue. Probably cheesy. (I really just needed a break from others!fics) I use the words 'smiled', 'laughed', and 'smirked' too much.
Pairing: Kate/Sawyer
"Hey there Freckles." Sawyer walked up to Kate and sat down beside her. The midnight sky loomed above them, seeming to remind them that everyone was asleep.
"I can't sleep."
"I ain't Dr. House over there, no need to explain what you're doin' up late." Kate laughed, she wasn't quite sure why she gave him an excuse in the first place.
"So what are you doing up?" Kate smirked. "It's probably about 1 am."
"Couldn't get over the fact that you're all alone."
"Really?" Sawyer smiled.
"Really." He winked at Kate cockily. Kate smirked and rested her head on Sawyer's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her, and she scooted closer.
"Sawyer..." Kate trailed off, not knowing what to say.
"Kate." Kate pulled away quickly, a bit surprised.
"I think that's the first time you've ever called me Kate!" She laughed, and laid her head on his shoulder again.
"It was, wasn't it?" They both laughed.
"What is it about you?" Sawyer stared at Kate, more wondering out loud than anything.
"About me what?"
"You just seem so..." Sawyer shook his head, not being able to find a word.
"It's honky tonk."
"Honky tonk?" Sawyer smirked.
"Honky tonk." Kate said matter-of-factly.
"So that's what it is."
"Spunk." Sawyer nodded, then shook his head. "I like honky tonk better."
"It's honky tonk."
"Freckles..." When Kate looked up at him, he couldn't help himself. He kissed her, not at all apprehensive. She kissed him back.
They both slowly pulled away from each other (not so happy about ending the kiss). Kate smirked and looked at the ground.
"Honky tonk."