Leopold's Yet Again

Apr 20, 2011 19:51

 As an antidote to the news in my locked post of today, I must needs enthuse
once more about the wonderful place that is Leopold's. learnteach  and I
went there last Saturday for beer and food. We didn't get there until
almost 7 so it was well packed and with a long waiting list. Still, we
managed to get to the bar and acquire a couple of liters of Stiegl Helles,
(Salzburg). No sooner than a couple of stools at the bar opened up, when
Klaus, (one of the two owner-brothers), came to tell us that a two seat
had opened. Wir haben Gluck! Much food, another liter of Stiegl apiece,
and conversation between ourselves and with the two tables on either side
occurred. Also, one of the Parnassus Seven sat in learnteach's lap,
whereupon he began to write beermat poems. (Perhaps the Helicon is in
Salzburg). We ended up making dinner of a series of appetizers. To whit:
Flat bread baked with speck, carmelized onions, gruyere, and arugula;
Vegetable strudel, Duck crepinettes, and a huge platter of salumi and
pickles. I'm getting hungry and thirsty just writing this. Too much fun.
Viel Spass.

food, friends

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