What I nattered on about today:
09:47 Currently eating: mango, kiwi, raspberries, blackberries, and a chorizo-style veggie sausage.
10:10 Story seed:
www.asofterworld.com/clean/soldierandangel.jpg 13:11 I really need to cut out the staying-up-til-1am stuff on work nights.
14:22 "Blizzard more than recouped their entire upkeep costs over a four-year period in just two months."
tinyurl.com/42nct3 14:49 Lunch: an onion roll, a 100-calorie packet of guac, one ounce of prima donna fino cheese and a large honeycrisp apple.
21:23 Fresh bread right out of the oven is fantastic, no matter what nationality that bread is. I just had a big ol' fresh naan. :-D
22:42 Ergh. So many ideas, so little experience with the skills needed to pull them off. I know, I know, just DO some and experience will come.
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