In other news, I think I need
Edit: Since LJ no longer allows us to have comment titles at all, here's what's been done so far. :)
Wild Roses:
Cat's eyes, or something else, in the verge of a darkening forest. - early Trickwood Unification, Geoffrey, Hernén, several wolves
new and interesting ways to give yourself a headache -
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"Oh, Winter, again?" Sean groaned, scraped his hands over his face. "Alright, no, pass me that--" he snagged the message with a fingertip and a trick he'd picked up off one of the Six, read it over again.
"The Vesnas want--really." He frowned. It was taking much too long for the right patterns to form inside his head--everything was sliding around in smudgy bright lines, all oil pastels instead of equations and if-then formulae. He really needed some sleep, but Aleron and Iarlaith were both busy with other things, Ulysse was out with the Navy and only available for emergencies--which this wasn't, no matter what the Vesnas were accusing the Bodrakeys of--and, well, Donnel was dead.
He'd do his best. It needed doing, and he was here.
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Mostly, I'm in with "what they said."
The rugs were bear, mostly, thick and winter-plush even beneath the soles of her slippers. They kept the cold stone floor away, which she liked, but made walking a slightly more difficult task than it needed to be, which she didn't like. She never quite slipped, even where two rugs were flung over one another grain-along-grain so they slid beneath her foot, but it was a near thing.
Definitely didn't like it, she decided as her host invited her to sink down among the furs onto a low brocade cushion, to accept dainties from his fingers and wine from his stores.
He was trying too hard. It made the girl she'd been once estimate the cost of the rugs, what bread, what woolen blankets, what place by a fire even one would have bought.
It made the crows in her head caw disdainfully. Made the voice in her head whisper-wonder about who he thought he was fooling, alone among his luxuries.
Real wealth was in men.
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Any idea what's up with the footage? Or why he cares about it at all?
I occasionally think it's inevitable that I have no idea what's going on context-wise for these two. They're very good at giving me [scene], without padding contextual paragraphs, especially with sparks.
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