I managed to reset my internal calender from physio mon/wed to physio tues/thurs, and got a mildly 'Um?' call this morning five minutes after my appointment time started. Arrrgh.
First time missed, so no penalties, but I'm still really mad at myself, and will be very, very sore by Wednesday.
In other news, I am starting to trim down my writing to-do list--I'm down to the Love Song and a follow-up to
the incident with the tiger, from the March requests. I owe the Dormouse some Falcons' Feathers (I always owe the Dormouse some Falcons' Feathers, it's some kind of weird law of the universe), and have rough ideas for two more pieces of Witches' Horses.
The Baroness expansion is crawling, frustratingly, so that's not getting posted this month.
There anything you'd like to see? I may put up a poll or something in the next few days, but I never really forget requests. :)