사 || in which there are many things; some typical and some not

Jan 18, 2011 22:48

( A; Early in the morning, probably far earlier that you want to be woken up, Korea is making an open phone call. You could possibly try to ignore him, but he’s pretty persistent and doesn’t seem to mind that he may be waking people up. )

Hey! Hey-does anybody know what a ‘homeowner’s association’ is? I got a letter about it, in the mail! Which is weird because usually they just send a bunch of bills and other not-fun stuff! But yeah, this letter-they didn’t say what that ‘association’ was! They just gave me a list of names and stuff and told me to go scold people! That’s kind mean, don’t you think? What should I do?

( B; Later on, Korea’s hitting up his regular job at the pharmacy. However, he has decided that just selling people drugs isn’t enough; he will now be instructing everyone who tries to buy anything from the drug store on ways to stay healthy. By the way, he is in no way a doctor. )

So, this penicillin stuff’s supposed to work pretty good, right? Right! But back home we had better stuff-but no one here’s gotten that sick, yet. At least not that I heard. So maybe we don’t need anything more than penicillin? I never used to get sick at home, but here I get the sniffles a lot! Especially since it’s cold! But it’s already January, so maybe it’ll warm up, soon…

( C; In the early evening, Korea is outside his house on Williams Road, barbecuing. The smell isn’t that of your typical steak or hamburgers; Korea’s doing his best with Mayfield ingredients to make authentic Korean pork. If you stop by, he just may offer you some! )

( D; Long after nightfall, Korea can be found in various trees around town-hanging upside down by his legs off of one of the branches. He’s taking notes like that, and every so often he’ll stop to listen intently. What’s he doing? He may tell you, if you happen to see him despite his ninja antics. )

not enough kimchi..., !ic, --action, america is slacking..., drugs are fun right..., well as long as i'm here..., --phone

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