Did someone say deadlines?

Oct 05, 2007 13:05

What’s your #1 comfort food?
I have two. Ones' Irish Coddle, the other's Bibimbap. I've never attempted to make an authentic bibimbap myself-- that's restaurant food for me. But I do make a simplified variation at home sometimes with an egg and a couple sauteed veggies over rice. Sometimes I throw in a BBQed eel if I have a frozen one to heat up.

If you were on a deserted island, what one food would you want to have with you?
Oh, this is a hard one. You have to consider nutrition here too. Am I allowed to choose an entire dish? Am I limited to the cooking methods I would have on the island? I can't answer this one; it's too stressful.

What is/are your signature dishes?
The two consistent ones are my Irish Coddle and Crab Risotto. In the past couple of years, I've made some truly amazing dishes that knock those two out of the water. Unfortunately, the more confident and instinctual I get with my cooking, the harder it is to recreate a truly awesome dish, because I use what I have in my kitchen and just throw in what inspires me and what flavors my instinct tells me go well together. By the time I'm ready to make it again, I don't have the same ingredients to remind me of what made it so awesome.

My new signature dish would probably be my fresh tagliatelle with habernero infused cherry tomato cream sauce. The first time I made it, it was amazing. Second time, almost as good. Third time (when I made it for the Reddings), it was definitely missing something. I need to start writing things down.

It’s Friday night, you don’t know what to cook. You opt for.
If I'm feeling really lazy, it's a box of Annies Mac 'n Cheese, into which I throw some diced pancetta, fresh or sundried tomatoes and some diced jalapeño peppers. I don't use all the pasta, otherwise it's not saucy enough.

Another quick one I do often is just pasta tossed in a olive oil with chili, herbs, anchovy, black olives, and tomato. A little fresh Parmesan on top and it's good to go. (I'll throw in some sausage or chicken if I have some prepared, or sometime the diced pancetta).

What’s your biggest weakness when it comes to food?
Salt. I can't get enough salt. I have one of those grinders with salt and dried garlic in it, and I will seriously grind that stuff into the palm of my hand and lick it up. Then I'll have to do it again. Then I put it away, and a little bit later, raid the cupboard to do it again.

What food can you absolutely not eat?
My dislikes are unfortunate, because I know I'm missing out on a lot. I can't stand red sauce. I mean, I like a fresh tomato sauce (where the tomatos are newly and only slightly cooked). But a marinara, ragu, pizza sauce, etc is awful to me. Can't even stand the smell.

I also can't stand red and green bell peppers.

I don't mind cilantro, but I HATE it when I don't know it's in something before I taste it.

And I HATE, HATE, HATE sloppy joes. I think I would actually vomit if I were forced to eat one right now.

You need a drink. You grab a…
This is totally situational.
Did I just eat baked goods? I'm totally grabbing some Straus milk!
Am I just thirsty? It's Pellegrino or that Blueberry sparkling water from Trader Joe's.
Is it morning? Mocha or french press.
Breakfast? Grapefruit juice.
If I need a libation, again it's situational:
At a bar: Dirty Vodka Martini (no need for top shelf) or a Sidecar
At dinner: Cabernet or Pinot Noir
After dinner or late at night: Irish Coffee
Middle of the day: Pisco Sour
Evening in front of the fire: Bourbon or Scotch (that's a new thing for me!)
Drinks with friends: Any of the above or a Margarita on the rocks (with salt, of course)

What’s the most decadent dish you’ve had?
Wow, I really can't think of one! I'm sure there's a good example, but I have a bad memory. I'm all for simple dishes, and those are the ones I remember most.

What’s your favorite type of food?
What's a type? I like fresh, local food.

Favorite dish?
Tuna ceviche, tuna tartare, or poke (see a theme there?)

If your partner could take you to any restaurant you wanted, which one would it be?
I guess it would be French Laundry, simply because I can't afford it, so it's something I can't have that I want. BUT... if we are talking the real world, on any given night, if D said, "Where do you want to go for dinner?" my usual answer would be Fonda.

Are you a soup or salad person?
Salad. I'm not big on soup, but I'm making a concerted effort to appreciate it more.

Buffet, take-out or sit-down restaurant?
Sit-down, by far. Buffets scare me.

What’s the most impressive dinner you’ve ever made?
Oh, I wish I could remember exactly, but for my grandma's birthday and my great aunt and uncle, I made this amazing scallop dish (full of heavy cream of course). And some thing with beets and endive. I forget what else was on the side. My uncle, who trades the parking space he owns next to Chez Panisse for regular dinners there, said it was better than the royal Chez. He could have been complementing me, but I've eaten at Chez, and I have to say, this dinner was pretty damn comparable.

That's why I should write things down.

Do you consider yourself a good cook?
Yes. I used to be a pretty lame cook (all I had was my mom's 60's sunset style to go by), but I've vastly improved. My instincts are getting better all the time. D is amazed by it. Grin.

Do you know what vichyssoise is?
Yes, I do, though unfortunately, I've never had or made it. It's a cold creamy soup with leeks, and potoatos and such... totally something I'd love if I tried it!

Who’s your favorite TV cook?
I can't stand watching cooking shows, or the chefs. I love Gordon Ramesey because that bad boy turns me on. If I actually saw him in a fake studio kitchen demonstrating how to make a roux, the enchantment would be lost.

Can you name at least three TV cooking personalities?
Jacques Pepin, Jamie Oliver, Rachel Ray (god, I hate her)

Homemade or homemade from a box?
Homeade, baby (despite my frequency in using a box of mac'n'cheese)

Name 3 or more other foodies you are going to tag.
I don't expect anyone to waste this much time on a meme, but here goes anyway: uptightfish, chatnoire, dani_namaste

meme, food

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