(no subject)

Mar 26, 2007 15:06

There goes my plan of frequent postings. Well, I'm working on a packaging design right now that is stumping me constantly, so what better time to break for a post?

Here's what's going on in the life of breezeek right now:
- Remember that catalog I started for the Old Company back in January? Well, they finally got their act together last week and provided me with what I needed (including the addition of over 100 new cards that they originally said would not be in there) last week. After a bit of subtle threatening that I would not be turning over anything or working on anything new until our accounts were up-to-date, I miraculously received the outstanding deposit, the two-month-late payment, and the signed estimate I was owed. The additional work (not to mention the image files that had a completely different identification system that the actual cards they went with) put some extra time over budget, which is fine with me. Finished a second proof (after fighting with errors from Quark's pdf output), and still had time to go on a five-hour hike on Sunday with D and the Dog.

- The Prius is great, and I've been getting to drive it to work, since D has just been driving to BART.

- My first entry on this spring's garden. I've never had a green thumb, but I feel like I finally have gained a bit of confidence in the garden. I've realized, too, that it's much more rewarding for me to grow greens I can eat rather than ornamental plants, and I'm much more inclined to keep up on plant maintenanced when promised with the reward of home-grown goodies.

I have, currently growing in cinder blocks (cheaper than planters):
  • Oregano: abundant and blooming
  • Scallions: Doing great. I'm so thankful for these. Green onions are one of my staples, and I never have any (non-moldy) ones in the fridge when I need them. Now I'm guaranteed fresh ones at all times.
  • Rosemary: Hardly use the stuff. Should start. They're too big right now
  • Strawberries: Have survived two years now. Hardly ever grow a berry, and if they do, the ants usually get to it before me.
  • SEEDLINGS(!) (My first ever!): Spinach seedlings are growing in two cinder block partitions. It was touch-and-go at first; no sign of life until day 10 (last official germination day according to the packet). But on day 10, a couple showed their green little heads, and now I have about a dozen inch-high spinach seedlings. This weekend I will have to thin them, the poor fellows.
  • After the incouragment from my first seedling crop, I decided to pull out the one batch of flowers still left in my cinder block planter and replace the two partitions with Broccoli Raab seeds. They went in last week and are cozy under their coke bottle terrariums. Fingers crossed

In a long planter box:
  • A brand new Italian Parsely seedling
  • Dill (my favorite herb second to Saffron, which isn't really an herb, is it?), which just sprung back to life after a year of dormancy!
  • Sage - Let's hope the pests don't get it this year
  • Chives. Doin' OK

In their own planter boxes:
  • Pole Beans Seedlings
  • - Transplanted last weekend
  • "San Francisco Fog" Tomato Seedling - Also transplanted last weekend
  • Auntie's bringing me over an heirloom Green Zebra seedling soon.

It's all part organic. Everything new that I purchased this year has been organic, but I still had a lot of soil and supplies from last year that I'm not about to waste. On my birthday list for May: Worm Condo vermicomposter -- to start reducing my kitchen waste and making da best compost around for me garden!

car, gardening, work

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