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Jan 18, 2007 17:16

I can't decide whether my Maternity class makes me really want to conceive a child, or to never, ever, ever conceive. On one hand, having a child seems like such a beautiful experience, and on the other, I see a 9 month physical torture and a life of stress and physical consequences to follow. I do know that I definitely appreciate the beauty and magnificence of a child. It is amazing that a being so very tiny could be so strong and resilient. In no way am I considering having a child anytime soon... it just puts a different spin on my consideration for having children (far) in the future. The biological vs. adoption debate will not be ending any time soon. Funny: a few of my classmates thought I was a monster because while watching the "Miracle of Life" video today, I didn't think that a live video of an 8 week old fetus moving around in utero was adorable, like they all did. I was like, "What is wrong with you people?! That thing is NOT cute. It's a little alien with a tail!" An infant is adorable, yes... an 8 week old fetus is not. Sorry. They were all cooing and adoring the weird thing moving on the screen... buncha' Crazies. Get away from me with your maternal tendencies and desperate desire to marry young and procreate!

Aaaanyway... The Office and Scrubs tonight! It's the Scrubs Musical episode. Zach keeps saying it's going to be amazing, but I've seen the commercials for it, and the singing sounds... well, awful. I'm a little scared, truthfully. Haha.
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