May 26, 2008 02:20
so ghetto charger has broken so i am back to being cellphoneless!! it sucks balls because i also applied to like 4 other stores for jobs i hope i get hired!I need another job! and F*** gas is ssooooooooooooooooo expensive like for realz and you sure as hell cant walk anywhere in plainfield.
summer to do list
-go into summer rhetoric
-fix up a bike from a thrift store
-community service/help old people? ( i figure i should do some good with all this time
-plant a tree?(if i can afford it)
-do something crazy/fun
-make lots of $$$
i figure i just need to save no point of getting flustered aobut how long its gonna take it will be well worth it! im in a very agressivly energetic mood rare!
EDIT: yesterday i had to go with my dad after work to go pick up my brothers skank hoe gf bc she was being held over by the cops by driving with a suspended license i seriously did not want to pick her up but my mom wanted me to and i just want her to go away..rrr..seriously iunno why but shit like that just makes me become really angry and and just into an unpleasent person. I mean why the f*** would i care about someone like that underneath me? not gonna say/rant anymore because this is the part of me i hate admiting too
DOUBLE EDIT: i feel like wearing a poofy you guys want to go somewhere special for my birthday? i dont know what i want to do but i want EY.O.N.E to be there and i want it to be fun..maybe beer iunno DEFINATLY Karioke and sushi and lights are a must! hmmm im getting excited i just am scared to do anything at my house cause theres always something that kills my mood of happiness there. I was thinking DOMO77?do you know if they karioke?
okay why the hell not EDIT: umm...i just want to do something fun and carefree again..i just want to be a teen agian not held down with responsibility -sigh- oh well one can dream right?