Jan 07, 2008 17:13
well today, i fell asleep at work....and i feel like i'm in college again. *_* you know what i'm talking about. kind of holding your head up with a pencil in your hand. and you get really good about waving your hand around like you're writing but you're not. OH and you put tons of paper and magazines in front of you mean while you doze in and out. so yea... i did that. it didn't help that i wasn't feeling well today *_* it just sucks monkey balls really. yesterday i totally just broke down....it's like pent up fustration mixed in with a trigger of some sort. *shrug* new years currently sucks...suck i say. suck. i feel fat and i feel all sorts of suck...the sunny part of me is currently on overcast...and it's not clearing up artificial sunshine kicks in but that is draining.