Mini adventures of the holiday season

Jan 02, 2008 17:33

soo just mini adventures i had these past couple of days ^_^ my lovely friend and comrad :iconkieshar: gave me lambo for christmas!!! LAMBO!!!! GO LAMBO!!!! i love your snotty little face! anyways. but her husband gave me something even more wonderful WONDERFUL I SAY! he got me persona3!!! PERSONA3!!!! i was so happy. i mean this is a hard game to find for those who know. it's made by atlus a company who comes out with great games but dear lord.....they make like 2 copies. It has a really cool art book that comes with it and also a soundtrack! KICK ASS! i listened to the CD at work and it kicks just does...ass kicking. but i noticed that there was a smudge on it...i tried to clean it *_* it turned out to be a scratch...i was worried...usually if yo ujust have a scratch it'll run. PS2 is very good about that. however this was a alas the game skips like a mofo. so on saturday i was running errands and thought might as well get this game replaced. so i went by the Game stop closest to this is where the fun began...

normally nerds who spend their life playing games work there and know what they are doing...HOWEVER i get the only middle eastern old man to stare at me in the face as i explain that there is a scratch...he looks at me...looks at the game....and said "are you sure you didn't scratch this?" NO SHIT EINSTINE!!! if i fucking scratched the disk myself why would i want to just exchange the game disk! he is all grumpy like and looks around...they didn't have a copy...i asked if he could check the computer. he did and said that there are two stores that had a is super close to my house. i asked if he's sure. mabye call...he said they have dumb little me go to that store...and the guy there almost giggles at me...he looks at me and tells me straight...he COULD give me a refund but he suggest that i hold on to this game as long as possible and just try to refurbish the thing. and i'm just wondering around the store and he's talking to me about games. which was neat. finally i got so fed up that i just wanted which they have no Disgaea *_* SHIT it just gets better. so the guy helps me out and calles around to see who has Disgaea 1....lo and behold....stupid middle eastern man has that game and i'm just like "i don't want to deal with him today" so i just got Disgaea II out of spite cause i feel hopeless of finding Persona3 UGH....i got home and just called around game stops...and NO ONE HAS TIHS GAME....OH and also the guy at gamestop hit on me...and wanted my random is that.

HOWEVER my salvation was around the corner. Beloved :iconkieshar: met up with me on sunday morning and called the mall near her. which is kinda far from where my apt is but close to work but anywhooo....FINALLY she located it at this mall! so i met up with her in the morning and chatted a bit and then later went to the mall. as soon as i went to the store. and smiled at the guys behind the was like they understood me. he showed me the persona game it was the only copy they had and it was the floor copy. it was funny cause he was going to be nice and switch the packaging if mine was worse. but his was like REALLY dangling and you couldn't tell that it was a new game hahaha. anywhooo he switched this game for me and i was SO HAPPY. he also reminded me to hold on to this game for dear life. because he said that when the game came out. each store got only like 2 games. not counting pre orders of course. and the people who knoew these games got it that day and the shipment ends there...

If you have a copy of persona 1 it is $175+ just for measure...atlas don't even have this game for sale on their people if you have a copy of this game. HOLD ON TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! it may pay your rent one day. did i mention the soundtrack kicks butt?

AND if you are in the dallas metroplex. there is 1 copy of persona 3 and it's can refurbish it i guess....

New years just a short note. i made friends Shabu Shabu it was successful ^_^ and everyone seemed to have a great time and we ate a SHIT LOAD of food *_* i bought a little too much. and totally have enought to make another shabu shabu party....*sigh* we watched "history of the world" lounged around on my new couch...and stared at our clock as it counted down...yay happy new new years resolution? lose 10 pounds and make peace...i just
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