Oct 05, 2006 16:52

I don't know how another week and a half has slipped away like that, but apparently it has. It's continued to be enjoyable, although I and the people around me are all starting to succumb to fresher's flu. I have also learnt a smidge about this cooking deal, and probably did end up doing more than 50% of the work in cooking my flat meal recently.

That's good going for me, but it still doesn't hold a candle to the awesome testosterone-fuelled majesty of STEAK NIGHT which took place a couple of days ago. Eight men, eight steaks, alcohol, sauces, cheese, and a kitchen full of smokey meat aroma and barely-restrained homoeroticism. Toasts were made to the beauty found in all edible dead things, and cheers of "STEAK NIGHT" enunciated loudly into the night while everybody milled around outside after the fire alarm had gone off (it really wasn't us, honest). "You smell of steak!" proclaimed one of the female friends we hunted down to tell of our meaty victory - what a proud moment. Re-assembled indoors, the night ended with The Mighty Boosh and the ad-hoc performance of a STEAK NIGHT anthem on one of the three guitars which had materialised by this point. Perfection.

I've also gotten myself down to the gym a couple of times, and attended the Ju Jitsu and badminton sessions running weekly. Not to mention the library - although obviously tiny compared to UH's aircraft hangar, I still had a "squee!" in the Cog Sci section at all the books I wanted to read, and promptly got out far more material than I could read in a week even if I had nothing else happening.

Finally, I've slightly shocked myself by being one of the swottiest people on the course, something that hasn't been me since about Year 8. I won a box of chocolates by default through being the only person to turn up to a 'treasure hunt' session (obviously not important for the course, but I'm turning up to everything on principle), and I was pretty confident that a reprimand about attendance given today wasn't addressed to me. (Although there are nominally 22 people on the course this year, I've never seen more than about 16 in any single session.) Hopefully I'll do as well on the coursework too.

So far being a student again is indeed what it's cracked up to be.
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