Cor! My literary agent emailed me about an hour ago to tell me that someone at Momentum (digital arm of Pan Macmillan) loved my Rapunzel novel, and will publish it if I'm happy to go with "digital-first" publishing.
Still a bit stunned. My agent only confirmed that she'd sent it to three publishers five days ago, and I didn't expect news for at least a month. Have emailed sundry Sources of Wisdom, and the consensus from those non-stunned sources (including one source with intimate knowledge of the publisher in question)(waves at
ladyknight1512) was GO FOR IT. Erm. Er. OK?
The digital business does mean no advance, o' course, but frankly, as a total unknown my chances of getting more than a minimum advance are probably negligible anyway. It also means no physical copies initially, *but* if it does well they may produce hard copies eventually (which is a nice thought, however much Digital Is The Future). Of more concern to me is the promotion aspect, which I'm reliably told is now as much the writer's job as the publisher's. Gah. I might have to throw in the towel and join Twitter, which I've thus far avoided because the last thing I need is to spend MORE TIME ONLINE.
Still! Published novel! Published with big international publisher, no less! (I was also invited to write a non-fiction book a few weeks ago, but pah, non-fiction. Doesn't count, not on the heart level, which is the level that matters most). Finally. My six year old self was getting Most Upset with me over how negligently I've treated her life ambitions...