Title: Slipping Emotionally
Fandom: So Weird
Prompt: Single +3
Word count: 191
Total points: Three
"I fucking hate Valentines day!"
"Mom!" Fiona's eye nearly tripled in size as her jaw hits the table almost knocking into her bowl of cereal. As Jack wiggled uncomfortably in his chair on the other side, staring down at the sugar coated, not really good for you, goodness.
"Oops sorry." Molly turned to the sink to start the morning dishes, all three items. Embarrassed she had slipped emotionally, especially in front of her kids.
"I don't like it much either. After all it's a Hallmark contrives. Do you what Valentines really is?"
"No and we don't want to know." Jack answered while standing up, bowl half full of milk in hand.
"Shut up I wasn't talking to you!" Molly shakes her head while turning on the spicket on what she hoped both would pick that up as a hint she really didn't care about the history or that he was was purposely aggravating his sister. The hint must have been received after only silence filled the room after a few moments, Molly sighed softly as she looks at the ring on her left hand. Another Valentines alone, but yet not alone.
Title: Hitting The Streets
Fandom: So Weird
Prompt: PC (box B) Anvil +2/Dating +1
Word count: 170
Total points: Six
Irene found her knees curled to breasts, eyes red with recently seized crying, without a word she sits next to her friend placing a hand upon her shoulder. Molly turns with a faint and thanking smile as the tears slowly start to fall again, in response Irene squeeze her shoulder hard.
"I didn't think it would be this hard. I mean it shouldn't! I had dated people before Rick, the dating concept isn't a difficult one. Hell thousands and thousands of teenagers do it around the world!"
"But honey not many of them were married six years before hitting the streets." Molly raises an eyebrow before an explosion of laughter escapes. "What?"
"Thanks for making me sound like a prostitute! Yeah maybe that's the way to do it, become a call girl and knock out this anvil sized headache."
"They do make good money."
"That they do." Molly sighs deeply the smile fades away again, "but nothing ever beats the love of your soul mate."
"No I suppose your right."
Title: Stars And Unwanted Company
Fandom: So Weird
Prompt: Action: Pretending +3
Word count: 116
Total points: Nine
"It sure is beautiful isn't it?" Molly nods without turning, eyes focused on the dark sky and the twinkling stars, absent of the city smokes and pollution there true beauty could be felt. She senses the speaker walking forward, perhaps right behind her looking down and around her shoulder. She shivers slightly in the summer heat her eyes close tightly.
"Please go Rick." Molly stops her voice from breaking, taking a grip of the porch rail. She doesn't sense him leave. "Please just leave me alone. I can't do this anymore." She takes a few deep breathes before turning slowly, to nobody. She allows the tears to follow while whispering thank you to the sky above.
Title: Holding Back Reality
Fandom: So Weird
Prompt: Action: Understand +1
Word count: 198
Total points: Ten
"Where's daddy?" Two simple words yet it was able to break a million souls in half and no answer could she give him, not yet. She knew eventually and soon the truth would come out and change him forever. Just for a few hours she wishes to protect him, allow him peaceful sleep with the fake understanding everything and everyone were fine and safe.
"He went out for a little bit. Go back to sleep honey." He stands there watching her face, noticing the fake and tense smile to reassure him.
"Why are there cops here?" She had hoped he hadn't heard the gentle knock on the door or that he stuck from his room to peer down the landing, but of course he had (likely to both).
"It's ok we'll talk in the morning. Best be quiet before we wake Fiona." She softly but firmly pushes him back to his bedroom. He turns in time to see the smile gone and no emotion left standing, he sighs deeply.
"He's gone isn't he?" She can't allow herself to reply, maybe it was her who needed the fake reality for a little bit longer.
"Goodnight Jack, I love you."