Parenting: Family Therapy Update

Sep 16, 2011 23:46

The biggest thing going on in my life these days is family therapy. Yup, family therapy with me, B, P, and P's boyfriend. The therapist is making every suggestion that I have been making for sometime, and the other key players are finally getting on board ( Read more... )

p, b, therapy sessions, h, thoughts on parenting

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Re: ... woodscolt September 20 2011, 15:10:42 UTC
nothing like having been there to give you a clue. i seriously think that the single problem most parents have is being able to go from buddy to parent. you have to learn to do it in an instant. if you can then you can be both buddy and parent. i think some people just can't do it. i think some deal by just never being a buddy. thats too bad.

the most effective tool i ever was simply telling them if they yelled... had a tantrum... then what ever they wanted they didn't get was my best tool. works even at 3. 3 year olds often ask for things that are ok... the wrong way... demands... acting out... that reinforces the idea that asking for it by acting out gets you what you want. its noisy to begin with... there is time out involved... :D but ultimately even just ignoring them while they are having a tantrum in front of you works. or just getting up and leaving them while they have the tantrum. put what you are doing on hold. turn on the DVR... parenting is inconvenient a lot of the time. :D

good to see you too.


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