
Mar 23, 2011 00:15

I'm thinking a lot about stepparenting this week.

Excuse me, but can you be me for a while? )

p, b, brain dump, sephie, stress, h, thoughts on parenting

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tabloidscully March 27 2011, 05:40:15 UTC
This comment is EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you. I feel like some days I just need someone to pat me on the back and tell me that I'm doing a great job. I know on many levels, I am, but it can be so overwhelming and seem so bleak when you're in the middle of it.

The custody arrangement is not the best, but there isn't much we can do about it. Really, my options are to suck it up and deal with it, or give in to letting B's mom have H both of those nights. And the ladder is not desirable, because then I can guarantee B would be spending one or both of those nights at his parents' place. So, blah.

The good news is that the boys should be finished in June, and I think when that happens, they'll take their Bar prep class Monday through Wednesday. So I'll still have H solo on Wednesday, but B will be home on Thursday. Yippee!

I have spoken with B and his mom and told them they need to stop putting me in the position of being the wicked stepparent. They listened to my points and agreed with where I was coming from, and I saw B's mom carrying through with that a little shortly after I made this post. I'm reminding myself it's a learning curve, but thank God we're pushing it now when he's a toddler versus when he's a teenager!

I also took your advice and started scrapbooking. It's a tool of distraction but not to the extent of completely checking out. There's a rhythm to it, and it engages my brain to make patterns and layouts and all kinds of fun things. Even if I don't start until 10:30, like I plan to when I finish this comment.

You are such a great friend, so really, thank YOU for everything you offer by being you. Off-topic, but I won't be in town until the end of May. Are you still up for helping me plan a "Get to Know Sephie" picnic?


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