Kept!verse: Baptism of Fire

Oct 21, 2008 21:23

This is the seventh story in my Kept!verse, in which Jeff's a billionaire, Jensen's a princess and Jared's the long suffering bodyguard. It follows Distinction

Title: Baptism of Fire
Author: tabbyshhh
Wordcount: 7417
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Jensen Ackles
Warnings: RPS, AU
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: None of this is real. As far as I Know Jeff isn’t a billionaire, Jensen isn’t a princess and Jared isn’t a bodyguard.
Summary: Jensen hasn’t spoken to his parents for over three years. Jeff’s not going to let him go to Texas on his own.
Notes: Thanks to everyone who has commented on the other stories in this verse.

Jensen scrabbles to answer his cell phone, almost dropping his paint brush on the floor in the process.

“Hello?” He tucks the phone between his ear and his shoulder, wondering where his Bluetooth ear piece is.

“Jensen?” The familiar voice of his brother asks.

“Josh? Hey!” It’s been a couple of weeks since Jensen spoke to his brother. They used to speak occasionally but since Jeff got shot Josh has been better about keeping in contact, obviously worried for his younger brother. “How’s it going?”

“Good. Really good. How are things with you? How’s college?” Josh asks. Jensen smiles a little to himself, Josh really reminds him of Jared sometimes, he’s so much more gregarious and outgoing than Jensen.

“It’s great.” Jensen assures him.

“Still enjoying your course?”

“Loving it.” Jensen replies enthusiastically. “I’m in the studio working on an assignment right now.”

“That’s cool. You been doing much socialising?” Josh asks. Jensen knows his older brother worries that he’s too isolated, again much like Jared.

“Some.” Jensen promises. “But I set two of my best friends up so now they’re always with each other.” He laughs.

“Bad idea, man.” Josh chuckles to himself.

“Yeah, but they’re really happy so I can’t complain too much. Steve’s back from touring for a while too, so he’s been around.”

“That’s good. Jeff still making time for you?” Josh checks.

“Yep. We went to play golf at the weekend and he took me to a cookery workshop. I learned how to make sushi.”

“Jesus, you two are like an old married couple.”

“Well, we’ve been together 12 years now.” Jensen reminds him. “And Jeff is old.” He laughs.

“Man. I always forget how long you guys have been together. 12 years, dude. That’s…That’s a long time.” Josh sounds impressed. “And things are good, right?”

“Couldn’t be better.” Jensen tells him softly.

“Because I know things were shaky there for a while, before he got shot…” It always amazes Jensen that despite the fact that they see each other rarely and speak so sporadically, his brother can read him so well.

“Everything’s great.” Jensen tells him firmly. “I’m busy with college and charity work, still, and Jeff’s really cut down his work load so he’s at home a lot more.”

“Ok. Good. So, listen…” Josh pauses. “You haven’t been down here for a while.” There’s no accusation in his tone but Jensen sighs anyway.

“You know why.” Jensen hasn’t been to Texas since his brother’s wedding. He’d felt so uncomfortable, so unwelcome, and been so upset when he got back that Jeff had made him promise he wouldn’t go down there alone again. Josh has been up to San Francisco to see him a few times to bring Jensen’s nephew to see him, but Jensen misses his brother fiercely.

“We’re getting Logan baptised.” Josh blurts suddenly. “I really want you to be there, Jen.”

“Josh…” Jensen doesn’t want to miss his nephew’s Christening, but he doesn’t know if he can face the weight of his family’s disapproving stares, especially inside church, again.

“No, listen to me, just hear me out, ok?” Josh obviously takes Jensen’s silence as acquiescence and carries on. “I want you there, Jensen. I’m sick of not being able to see you because you won’t come down here and I can’t get up there as often as I want to. You guys…You guys have been together for 12 years, I don’t know anyone your age that’s been with someone that long and is still making it work. It’s longer than I’ve been together with Molly. If…If Mom and Dad haven’t accepted by now that you love the guy then they never will and that’s not your fault, but it’s not mine either. And it’s definitely not Logan’s. You know he loves you man, I don’t think it’s fair that he doesn’t get to see you. I want him to have his Uncle Jensen in his life.” Josh pauses to take a breath. “And his Uncle Jeff too.”

“His Uncle Jeff?” Jensen asks, the catch in his breath obvious even to his own ears.

“Yeah.” Josh says softly. “It’s really important to me, Jen. Just…promise me you’ll think about it.”

“No, I…I’ll be there.” Jensen promises. “We’ll be there. When is it?”

“The eighteenth. Next month.” Josh sounds both surprised and relieved.

“Ok. We’ll be there.”

“Why don’t you talk to Jeff about it?” Josh suggests. “I know he’s a busy guy…”

“No. I don’t need to. He’ll reschedule things if he needs to.” Jensen knows Jeff won’t let him go down to Texas on his own, and there’s no way Jensen can let his brother down. Not now.

“Ok. Good. Look, call Mack, ok? She’s worried about you all the time since Jeff got shot.”

“I’m fine.” Jensen sighs. “We’re both fine. Jeff’s as good as new and they caught the guy who did it.” The letters had been completely unrelated to the shooting which was carried out by a disgruntled ex-employee of one of Jeff’s subsidiary companies. The letters were being sent by an ex-assistant of Jeff’s and both had been arrested and charged.

“I know, but she worries. She won’t believe you’re coming if I tell her, so just call her, ok?”

“Alright.” Jensen promises. “I’ll call her.” Jensen feels like he’s missed out on his sister growing up. She was only 11 when he left and it wasn’t until she went to college that he really got back into contact with her.

“Ok. Listen, I have to go, Molly’s got me helping to make arrangements and she’ll kill me if I don’t stop hiding in here.” Josh sighs.

“Yeah, your life’s so tough. Married to a beautiful woman, a gorgeous son...” Jensen teases.

“Shut up, just because you have a billionaire sugar daddy.” Josh retorts. Coming from another member of his family that might sting, but Jensen knows Josh is just teasing so he laughs and lets Josh hang up first, slipping his phone into his pocket and putting down the paintbrush he was still clutching.

He finds Jeff in the kitchen chatting with Jared. He must have arrived home sometime since Jensen got some inspiration and locked himself in his studio. Jared looks like he’s about to head home for the day and Jensen realises his shift is over. He hadn’t realised how long he’d been in his studio.

“Hey.” Jared grins at him. “You ok, you look a little pale?”

“Fine.” Jensen nods. “Must be the paint fumes. Get out of here, you don’t want to be late for your date with Tom.”

“See you tomorrow.” Jared flashes them a bright smile and vanishes.

“Hey.” Jensen lets himself lean into Jeff and tuck his face away in the older man’s neck, feeling more settled immediately.

“Everything ok?” Jeff asks, stroking his fingers through Jensen’s hair carefully. “You seem a little shaky.”

“Josh called.” Jensen replies.

“Oh?” He can feel Jeff tense a little, as if he’s planning to go off if Josh upset him.

“They’re getting Logan baptised. He wants us to be there. He…” Jensen pauses, moving back so he can see Jeff’s expression when he says this. “He called you Logan’s Uncle Jeff.” Jensen doesn’t think he’s misreading the emotion in Jeff’s eyes.


“Yeah. So…you’ll come.”

“Of course I will.” Jeff kisses Jensen softly. There’s no way he’s letting Jensen go down to Texas on his own, not after the last time, and if Josh is willing to offer what seems like one hell of an olive branch…well, Jeff’s going to grab it with both hands. “When is it?”

“Next month on the 18th. Are you busy?”

“I can’t think of anything.” Jeff replies. “You know I’ll come, baby. Anything that can’t be rescheduled can be handled by someone else.”

Six weeks later they’re on Jeff’s private Jet flying to Dallas and Jensen can’t seem to stop fidgeting.

“Jesus.” Chris sighs. “Take a pill or something.”

“Chris.” Jared warns. He knows how nervous Jensen is about this trip, knows how protective Jeff’s feeling right about now too, he doesn’t want Chris to lose his job just because flying makes him nervous and cranky. They’re flying in with Jeff and Jensen but then they’re going to make themselves scarce. Flying private means people won’t know Jeff’s going and they’ve promised to stick to the hotel and Jensen’s family’s homes. Jared’s looking forward to visiting his mom for a couple of days, he’s already warned her Chris will be going.

“You ok, baby?” Jeff asks, taking his heavy gaze off Chris when he sees the younger man is squirming sufficiently.

“Yeah, sorry.” Jensen sighs and tilts his face for a kiss which Jeff gives him gladly. “I’m just nervous.”

“Don’t apologise. I’m pretty nervous too.”

“You never get nervous.” Jensen squirms closer.

“I do. I’m just better at hiding it than you.”

“That’s why you always win at poker.” Jensen agrees.

“That and the fact that we usually only play strip poker and I have a vested interest in getting you naked as quickly as possible.” Jeff replies. Jensen laughs a little, some of the tension seeming to slip away.


“Jeff.” Jensen rests his forehead against Jeff’s, closing his eyes. They’re waiting in the hotel room to be told that their car had arrived. They had decided to stay in Dallas itself, just in case the whole thing with Jensen’s family went sour. KSS had arranged for a car with a driver/security escort for the duration of their stay, which was only 3 days.

“It’s going to be fine, Jen.” Jeff promises, drawing Jensen closer with hands at his waist. “We’ll go for dinner with Josh and Molly, tomorrow we’ll go to the baptism and the day after that we’ll go home.” Jeff assures him. “I’m here with you. Jared’s only a few cities away and if it gets too much Mrs Padalecki invited us for dinner so we can go to San Antonio for a while. Just relax for now, ok? You know Josh is looking forward to seeing you.”

“Ok.” Jensen releases a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding in. “It’ll be ok.”

“Yeah.” Jeff agrees. Jensen’s quiet on the ride into Richardson and Jeff lets him get away with it. They’re going to Josh’s house, so Jensen can spend some time with his adored nephew before he goes to bed and the adults have dinner.

Jensen’s nerves seem to vanish as soon as they reach his brother’s house and he’s greeted with a delighted howl of Uncle JenJen from his nephew. Jeff finds himself in the kitchen with Molly, Josh’s wife while Jensen and Josh put Logan to bed.

“Are you sure you don’t want any help?” Jeff offers again, sipping from his wine glass. It feels so strange to be in a kitchen and not be given something to do. He and Jensen cook together a lot, moving around each other seamlessly to get things done.

“It’s all under control.” Molly assures him with a smile. “It’s been too long since we last saw you, Jeff. Josh has been going crazy with worry since you got shot.”

“Things are fine.” Jeff promises. “They caught the guy who did it, he’s already in prison and he’ll stay there after the trial.”

“So why does Jensen still need security?” Molly asks with a frown, opening the oven to check whatever she has cooking.

“We both have security and have for years. It’s just a fact that there’s always a chance someone might try to kidnap either one of us for money. I won’t risk Jensen’s safety like that.” Jeff explains.

“I’m glad to hear it.” Josh joins them in the kitchen. “Jensen’s just reading him a bedtime story.” He adds when Jeff looks over his shoulder for Jensen. Jeff nods, he doesn’t feel uncomfortable in the presence of Jensen’s older brother and his wife. They have the right to ask any questions they like. Jensen doesn’t see them often and Jeff knows his lover can be downright cagey about details of his life. It takes Jeff time to pry things out of him sometimes.

“Have you guys thought of having kids?” Molly asks, glancing at Jeff as she stirs something in a saucepan.

“It hasn’t come up for a while.” Jeff replies honestly. Jensen had gone through a phase, around the time Logan was born, of wanting a baby. Jeff had gone so far as to look into adoption agencies and the legality of surrogates but in the end Jensen had decided he wasn’t ready. “But we haven’t ruled it out.”

“He’d make a great dad.” Molly smiles, they can hear Jensen’s voice floating down the stairs as he changes the tone of it to fit the characters of whatever he’s reading.

“Definitely.” Jeff agrees. It’s nice to talk to someone in Jensen’s family who accepts that he and Jensen are together for the long haul. Despite the fact that they’ve been together for over a decade the majority of his family seem to prefer to pretend Jeff doesn’t exist. It’s why Jensen doesn’t really speak to his parents, other than to send them cards and gifts on holidays and their birthdays. “But he’s busy with college right now.”

“He’s enjoying it?”

“He loves it.” Jeff nods.

“Why did it take him so long to do it?” Molly asks curiously. Jeff glances at Josh, it’s unusual for Jensen’s brother to be silent for so long but it seems like he’s just listening to the conversation.

“Jensen…He doesn’t always believe in himself. In his own talent and abilities. Art’s something he’s always done for himself, I don’t think he really thought of taking it much further until recently.”

“He was always good at art.” Josh chimes in.

“He’s fantastic.” Jeff agrees, turning to smile at Jensen as he enters the kitchen.

“Fell asleep in the middle of the story.” Jensen tells them, standing next to Jeff and accepting the glass of wine Josh presses into his hands with a smile. “He’s so cute.”

“You’re just saying that because he looks like you.” Josh retorts. Jeff grins because it’s true. Logan has wide green eyes and blonde hair, just like Jensen in the few pictures Jeff’s seen of him at that age.

They sit down to eat and Jeff’s impressed with how smoothly the conversation flows. Josh is as upbeat as ever and seems honestly thrilled to have his brother around. Jeff feels the tight knot of tension in his stomach release a little, although he knows the baptism itself is the thing he really needs to worry about.

Jeff knows Jensen is a lot happier now, now that he’s at school and Jeff’s making more time for them to spend together. Hell, Jeff’s a lot happier himself. He hadn’t realised just how much he’d missed spending time with his lover.

Jensen’s enthusing about one of his college courses and Jeff’s listening with a smile on his face. It’s so nice to be in company where Jensen feels this confident. He’s so quiet when Jeff takes him to society functions. He’s a little more talkative at charity events, especially the ones close to his own heart, but he clings to Jeff and Jeff knows how shy he is so he tries to protect him as much as possible, usually by making sure Jared attends those kinds of things with them so Jensen has someone to talk to if Jeff gets dragged away.

Still, seeing Jensen so open around his brother is nice. Jensen’s moved on to telling them about the vacation they took for their 12 year anniversary and Jeff tunes back in, realising he should listen a little closer in case he’s supposed to be contributing.

By the time they leave to head back to their hotel Jeff’s feeling a lot less apprehensive about the next day. Maybe it’s the wine but he thinks things will be ok.


“I think I’m going to throw up.” Jensen announces as soon as Jeff steps out of the shower.

“Hey, I know I haven’t been working out as much lately but that’s just mean.” Jeff pretends to look put out.

“Don’t make me laugh.” Jensen smiles at him, despite an obvious effort not to.

“Why?” Jeff crowds him up against the wall. “Because it distracts you from your panic attack? That’s the whole point, sweetheart.” He nips at Jensen’s neck, smiling when his younger lover tilts his neck to give him better access.

“We don’t have time for this.” Jensen proclaims weakly as Jeff slips a hand into his robe.

“Don’t have time to make you feel better? I always have time for that.” Jeff disagrees.

“I need to shower.”

“So let’s shower.”

“You only just got out.” Jensen gasps as Jeff wraps a hand around his cock.

“But I’m not dry yet.” Jeff can tell immediately as Jensen gives in, not that there was ever much doubt. He switches the shower on and strips Jensen of his robe, letting his own towel drop and manoeuvring Jensen into the large stall as soon as the water’s warm enough, which doesn’t take long.

“Oh God.” Jensen grips his shoulders and pulls him in for a desperate kiss, water sliding down their faces. Jeff doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of having Jensen like this, desperate and panting.

“What do you want, baby? Want me to suck you?” Jeff offers, his hand encircling Jensen’s cock once more.

“No.” Jensen turns in his arms and braces himself against the tile wall with his hands. “I want you in me. Please, Jeff.” Jeff’s not going to make him ask twice. He slides his fingers inside Jensen, he’s still a little slick from the sleepy sex they’d had after rolling into bed last night and Jeff knows the water will be enough to ease the way. He uses his fingers to loosen the muscle a little though, Jensen’s still tight, even after years of fairly constant anal sex, but he opens up quickly, gasping and begging before long and Jeff just can’t resist sliding in, until his chest is pressed up against Jensen’s back.

“I love you.” Jeff pants in Jensen’s ear before he starts to move. “If anyone makes you doubt it today, you just remember this.” Jeff thrusts hard, twisting his hips to make his point and Jensen cries out in pleasure. “They’re just jealous, Jen. Because we have things they could never dream of. Because I could buy them.” Jensen gasps a little and Jeff grins to himself. He doesn’t like to mention his wealth, it doesn’t matter in their relationship, but at the same time, Jensen’s admitted more than once that he gets off on how powerful Jeff is. “And because we’re soul mates. Me and you, Jensen. No matter what, don’t you let anyone else tell you any different. You’re my world.” Jensen comes with a cry and Jeff follows suit.

He gives Jensen a few minutes to recover and then starts helping him wash because they really do have to get going. He leaves Jensen to shave and heads out of the bathroom to dress, feeling more than hearing Jensen coming up behind him a short while later.

“I love you too.” Jensen whispers it into his ear but Jeff feels it more keenly than if Jensen had screamed it at the top of his lungs and it makes him shiver.

“I know, baby.” He gives Jensen a soft kiss, pleased when the smile Jensen gives him is confident and the look in his eyes is happy and clear.

Jensen dresses and the car arrives to pick them up. They’re going to Josh’s house first, and then heading to the church as a group. Jeff takes Jensen’s hand as they arrive in Richardson and they step out of the car together.

“Hey.” Josh greets them at the door and practically drags them into the house. “C’mon in. Bet that suit cost more than my car.” He needles Jensen.

“Probably.” Jensen shrugs. That reminds Jeff that they need to find a quiet time to tell Josh and Molly about the gift for Logan. It had taken a while for them to decide whether it was appropriate or not, but in the end they had decided to set up a college trust fund for Jensen’s nephew. College cost a fortune and Jeff can only imagine how much it will cost by the time Logan is ready to go. Jeff doesn’t have any nephews or nieces of his own and although he knows it will seem like an extravagant gift, in reality it’s a drop in the ocean.

“You guys want something to drink?” Josh asks.

“Coffee would be good.” Jensen says as Josh leads them into the kitchen. Jeff nods when Josh looks at him.

“Uncle JenJen!” Logan wriggles away from whichever relative is holding him and scurries across the room to fling himself at Jensen who scoops him up immediately, laughing. Logan waves hello shyly to Jeff and then turns his big eyes back on Jensen. “Are you comin’ church?”

“I sure am.” Jensen nods, smiling his thanks when Josh sets a cup of coffee down on the counter for him. Jeff accepts his own cup with a quiet thanks. “You know what’s going to happen?”

“Mmmhmm. Water on my head.” Logan explains, patting the front of his head. “For God?” He looks questioningly at Jensen who nods his agreement. “Why’s God want me wet?”

“I think that’s a question for Grandpa.” Josh interrupts, taking Logan out of Jensen’s arms. Jeff’s pretty sure it’s a subtle way for Josh to let Jensen know his parents are there.

“Yeah, let me get some hugs from Uncle JenJen.” Mackenzie arrives suddenly, standing next to Jeff and smiling at him.

“Not your Uncle JenJen.” Logan complains over his father’s shoulder as he’s carried out into the garden. Jeff warmly returns the hug Mackenzie gives to him. She’s grown to be quite beautiful over the years, but Jeff will always think that Jensen’s the most attractive out of his siblings.

“How’s your shoulder?” She enquires.

“Fine.” Jeff assures her with a smile, ignoring Jensen’s teasing grin. Jensen knows how tired Jeff is of people asking after his shoulder, but he doesn’t want to be rude so he refrains from rolling his eyes.

“Hey stranger.” Mack envelopes Jensen in a huge hug and doesn’t let go for a long moment. “I miss you. You need to get down here more often.”

“You can always come and see me.” Jensen reminds her.

“Yeah, but you have a private jet.” She retorts. “It’s not fair that I’d have to fly commercial up to see you when you could be sitting in the lap of luxury.”

“We’ll send the jet to get you.” Jeff assures her. If Jensen wants his sister to visit, Jeff has no problem facilitating that.

“Really?” She looks thoughtful. “Hmmm, and then I’d get to stay in your huge house with the pool and all the gorgeous men walking around…”

“Gorgeous men?” Jensen asks.

“Well, Jeff obviously.” Mackenzie replies. “And Jared, he’s still there, right? Why didn’t you bring him here?”

“Because I don’t think we’re going to get kidnapped or shot at a baptism.” Jensen replies. “He’s in San Antonio visiting his mom. And if you come to San Francisco you’ll get to meet his boyfriend who’s even better looking than Jared.”

“Why are all the good ones gay?” Mack sighs. “C’mon, Jenny, time to face the music.” She grabs his hand and drags him out into the garden before Jensen has chance to figure out what’s going on. Jeff follows straight away, having seen the panicked expression on Jensen’s face.

“I hate you.” Jensen hisses at her when Jeff passes him his coffee.

“No you don’t. Try not to get into any trouble while I’m gone, boys.” She saunters off and Jeff can’t help but laugh a little at the disgruntled expression on Jensen’s face.

“She’s a lot like Josh.” Jeff says. Jensen nods and sighs, and Jeff has to wonder why it is that Jensen is so shy and introverted when his siblings are the opposite. He has to guess that spending years being told his sexuality made him evil and was something he needed to fight against had dented his confidence in ways Jeff was still struggling to comprehend, let alone fix.

“Jensen.” Jeff doesn’t miss the way Jensen’s breath hitches at the sound of his mother’s voice.

“Hey, momma.” He smiles weakly at her.

“Look at you.” Her hand rises up to touch his face and Jeff suddenly feels like he shouldn’t be witnessing this. He’s not going to leave Jensen alone now though. “I always forget how tall you are.” Jensen’s mother sounds choked up even though she’s smiling. “Jeff.” She smiles at him and Jeff leans forward to kiss her cheek politely.

“Mrs Ackles. It’s good to see you.”

“And you.” He sees her eyes drift to his shoulder. “How are you?”

“I’m good.” Jeff assures her. He’s got a hand resting on Jensen’s lower back. He’d much rather have it around his waist but he doesn’t want to push the public display of affection too much. He needs Jensen to feel his support though.

“How’s school?” Jensen’s mother asks. “Josh says you’re studying art. I always wished you’d gone to college when you were younger.” She adds when Jensen nods, regret shining in her eyes.

“I don’t think I could have coped with it then.” Jensen replies and Jeff can hear the honesty in his tone. “There was so much going on.” He shrugs one shoulder and falls silent.

“How long are you staying?”

“We’re flying back tomorrow evening.” Jeff answers when it becomes clear that Jensen isn’t going to say anything. “Jensen has classes on Monday.”

“Of course.” Mrs Ackles nods, glancing at Jensen who’s biting his lip. Jeff desperately wants to kiss him, hates the fact that he has to hold back his affection in front of these people. Still, he doesn’t want to cause a scene because the person most upset by it would be Jensen. “Would you like to come to lunch tomorrow?” She blurts suddenly. Jensen looks up, clearly surprised and Jeff can’t help but echo the emotion. Jensen hasn’t even spoken to his parent’s over the phone for over 3 years.

“But dad…”

“You’re his son, Jensen.” She interrupts. “And he loves you. You’re happy.” She touches Jensen’s face again. “And that’s all we ever wanted for you. Life can be so hard for…”

“For people like me?” Jensen asks, the bitterness in his tone obvious. Jeff shoots him a warning glance, Jensen’s mom is trying, he doesn’t want him to throw it back in her face and regret it later.

“We’d love to come to lunch, Mrs Ackles.” Jeff takes over. “What time would you like us?”

“Around one?” She suggests. “After church.” She stops suddenly and turns back to Jensen. “Do you…do you still go to church?” She asks like it’s the most important thing she’s ever said and Jeff doesn’t really understand the weight behind the question. His own parents were never religious.

“Nearly every Sunday.” Jensen replies honestly and she nods, her shoulders relaxing a little.

Josh comes out of the house to gather everyone together so they can head to the church and Jeff lets himself squeeze Jensen’s hand briefly while no one is looking.


“Why did you say we’d go?” Jensen’s fidgeting in the car on the way to Richardson the next morning. The baptism had gone well and they had stayed at Josh’s for a few hours afterwards, mingling with other family members. Molly’s family were a lot more open and accepting of Jeff and Jensen than Jensen’s own, and Jensen had even exchanged some stilted words with his father at one point. It wasn’t long after that that Jensen had asked if they could leave and Jeff had agreed. He knew seeing his parents was upsetting for Jensen and part of him wondered if this uncomfortable truce was worse than the outright disapproval they’ve shown over the years because this maybe gives Jensen hope that things are going to get better and if they don’t….well if they don’t Jensen will be heart broken. Jeff’s not going to let them have the chance to hurt Jensen if he can possibly avoid it.

“Because they’re trying, Jen.” Jeff explains, yet again. “The least we can do is go to lunch and if you hate it we can leave, ok? We don’t have to stay. Your mom would have been upset if we’d said no, and I know you want to see Mackenzie and Josh again before we leave.”

“And Logan.” Jensen says, mostly to himself.

“Yeah.” Jeff lets his hand stray across to grasp Jensen’s, sighing at the fine tremors he can feel running through his lover’s hand. It’s not right that Jensen’s so afraid of spending time with his own family.

Jeff’s mother has never had a problem with his sexuality, despite the fact that he was her only son. His father had been dead by the time Jeff had known enough about himself to come out, and his step father had never struggled with it. His own mother adores Jensen and never fails to tell Jeff how lucky he is to have him in his life. Jeff can’t imagine going more than a week without talking to his mother, and Jensen’s reaction to his own yesterday reminded Jeff just how damaged Jensen has been by their rejection. If things don’t go well today…they may as well forget they ever had a son called Jensen because Jeff won’t let them near him again.

“It’s going to be fine.” Jeff promises. He’d been on the verge of calling Jared that morning to see if he could come back up early from San Antonio and join them for lunch. Mackenzie was, apparently, fond of him, and he somehow seems good at getting Jensen out of panics. Plus the guy’s huge and can look menacing when he tries so he might be able to scare Jensen’s father into being at least civil to them both. In the end he decided the tantrum he could expect from Jensen just isn’t worth it. Jensen’s temper is a lot calmer these days, but when he loses it he still goes off like a rocket and Jeff thinks he’s had enough stress already this weekend.

The driver gives them a sympathetic look when they get out of the car and Jeff’s not sure which one of them it’s aimed at. Jensen squares his shoulders and then knocks on the door. Jeff can’t remember ever knocking on the door to his mother’s home, even now that he hasn’t lived with her in over 20 years.

“Jensen.” His mother looks honestly delighted to see him and pulls him into a hug as soon as they step through the door.

“Hi, momma.” Jensen’s voice is quiet, like he doesn’t want anyone else to hear.

“Mrs Ackles.” Jeff kisses her cheek and hands her the flowers they brought.

“Oh, these are lovely.” She smiles up at him. “Mackenzie’s in the kitchen.” She tells Jensen who heads off down the corridor immediately. “I wasn’t sure you’d be able to convince him to come.” Mrs Ackles says softly, her hand resting on Jeff’s arm to stop him following Jensen straight away.

“He wanted to come.” Jeff replies. “He was just nervous after the last time he was here…” Jeff takes a deep breath. “I don’t want him to be upset like that again.” Jeff’s careful with the tone of voice he uses. He doesn’t want her to feel intimidated by him, but he needs her to see how serious he is.

“I know.” She actually looks ashamed and Jeff has to fight down the urge to tell her it’s ok, because it damn well isn’t ok, but she has Jensen’s eyes and it’s so easy to see him when he looks at her. “Alan had a little too much to drink…”

“That is not an excuse.” Jeff retorts and she nods immediately. “And don’t start telling me about religious beliefs, because I don’t know which God your husband believes in, but the one I pray to would never condone someone being made to feel so small by the people who are supposed to love him unconditionally.” She looks at him for a moment, her eyes wide and filled with tears.

“You love him.” It’s not a question.

“I’ve been with him for over 12 years now.” Jeff tries not to sound impatient but this family are just too much sometimes. “I love him more than life.”

“I see that.” She nods and looks like a huge weight has been lifted from her shoulders. “It’s just…Jensen has always looked a certain way and we always worried…that he would be taken advantage of. By men. I…” She holds up her hand to stop Jeff who’s about to answer back, indignant that she could think he’s with Jensen just because he’s so good looking. “You have to understand, when we heard how much older than him you were and… and the money…” She shakes her head. “This is coming out all wrong.”

“Yeah.” Jeff sighs. He doesn’t think she meant to imply that Jensen stays with him because he’s rich.

“I know he loves you. It’s so obvious. And now I know you love him too.” She nods firmly. “I want him back in our lives.”

“It’ll have to be on his terms.”

“I understand that.” She nods.

“I actually wanted to speak to you and your husband later. If it’s possible.” Jeff tells her. He wasn’t been sure he was going to do this, but now he thinks he should. “I’m not going to yell.” He promises when she looks nervous.

“Ok.” She nods.

“Jeff?” Jensen reappears. “Everything ok?”

“Yep.” Jeff nods, smiling at Mrs Ackles and then walking to join Jensen, following him into the kitchen. It’s the first time he’s been in Jensen’s childhood home and it’s much as Jensen described it. Like a pretty normal, suburban family home, with a white picket fence around the front. Jeff had thought Jensen had been joking about that.

“Do you need any help, momma?” Jensen asks softly when they’re in the kitchen. Mackenzie’s stirring something at the stove and Jeff can hear Josh in another room.

“No thank you, sweetie. It’s all under control. Why don’t you boys sit down?” Jeff hasn’t been called a boy by anyone other than his own mother for a long while and it makes him smile. He takes the seat next to Jensen and grips his hand under the table.

“Jensen’s a great cook.” Mackenzie announces. “Last time I went to visit he cooked and it was gorgeous.”

“You like to cook?” Jensen’s mother glances at him, surprised.

“We both do.” Jensen nods, squeezing Jeff’s hand a little. “They run cookery workshops, in the church hall sometimes. It’s fun.”

“You go together?”

“Church is a little different in San Francisco, momma.” Jensen explains with a small smile. She blushes and turns back to her cooking.

“Jensen does a lot of charity work with his church.” Jeff adds. Jensen’s mother looks immediately interested and some time passes while Jensen explains the charity work he does with the church and the things he’s involved with through Jeff’s company.

“We do a lot of work with homeless teenagers.” Jensen says softly. “With kids who can’t stay at home for whatever reason. It’s very…rewarding.” Jensen’s mother looks at him. Jensen’s eyes are on the table and he doesn’t look up to meet hers. Jeff’s heart aches for him.

Logan chooses that moment to run into the kitchen and demand Jensen’s attention. He’s followed by Josh, Molly and Jensen’s father. Jeff stands up to greet them all, refusing to be intimidated by Jensen’s father. He’s not a large man, smaller than Jensen, which means he’s significantly smaller than Jeff. He wears a frown that makes him look permanently disapproving and just for a second Jeff feels like he wants to remind this man that he could squash him like a bug. Buy out the company that pays his pension and stop payments, buy all the land in the area until he could compulsorily purchase this house and bulldoze it to the ground. This man really brings out the worst in Jeff and he has to stamp it down and force himself not to grip too hard when he shakes his hand.

Logan insists on sitting next to Jensen while they eat, which is perfect because cutting up Logan’s food and making sure he’s ok in his booster seat keeps Jensen sheltered from the initially awkward atmosphere. Josh breaks it, as usual, and then Jensen’s mother starts telling his father about the charity work Jensen does with his church and Jeff nudges Jensen to get him to join in. Jensen even makes eye contact with his father for a few moments and Jeff feels him relax minutely.

That leads to Jensen’s mother talking about people from their church, people Jeff’s never heard of so he’s only half listening until a particular piece of the conversation catches his attention.

“So then Mrs Mulhoney says that her daughter is dating some high flying business man from New York, all snooty like.” Jensen’s mother sniffs. “And I just couldn’t help myself so I said, well, my Jensen’s been living in San Francisco with his partner for years now and he’s a billionaire.”

“Momma!” Jensen gasps and Jeff can’t help but let out a startled laugh. “You didn’t!”

“She did.” Molly confirms with a grin. “I was there.” Josh is laughing, as is Mackenzie, and Jeff thinks he can even see a glint of amusement in Jensen’s father’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I know you’re not with Jeff because he’s rich, but she was just being so awful about it, acting like her daughter is so much better than anyone else’s children. And they’ve only been dating for a few months and you boys are practically married.” Mr Ackles gives a slight cough and his wife glances at him before flushing a little and taking a deep breath. “Well, obviously they thought I was exaggerating until I told them your name, Jeff, and then Mrs Corbett, her son works in your Dallas branch, you might know him?” She asks Jeff who opens his mouth to respond but then just shakes his head helplessly. At last count his company had over 30,000 employees and that’s not counting the subsidiaries. “Well, he works for you and she said you were a billionaire, and obviously Molly was there to confirm it. That showed her!” Jeff can’t help but look at the woman incredulously. From their earlier conversation in the hall he’d assumed she was only just coming to terms with their relationship, when in fact it seems like she’s been bragging to her friends about her son living with a billionaire.

Molly steers the conversation to safer territory and the rest of lunch passes mostly uneventfully.

“You ok?” Jeff asks Jensen while they help Mackenzie with the dishes after lunch.

“Yeah.” Jensen nods, drying his hands on the dish towel. “I just…I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that!” He admits. Mackenzie busts out laughing and Jeff can’t help but join in. “It’s not funny.” Jensen hides his face in Jeff’s neck.

“I know.” Jeff soothes, stroking Jensen’s hair softly. “It has to be good though, right? That she’s showing off about you.”

“She’s showing off about you.” Jensen argues, poking Jeff in the ribs where he knows he’s ticklish. “This is nuts.”

“Yeah.” Jeff kisses him on the cheek and lets him move away as Logan comes zooming into the room, followed by his parents.

“Goin’ on the swing!” Logan announces and grabs Jensen’s hand to tug him outside. Jensen goes willingly and Mackenzie and Molly follow.

“Mom said you wanted to talk to her and dad.” Josh says. “Anything I need to worry about?”

“Not as long as it goes well.” Jeff promises. Josh nods and goes outside, closing the door behind him. Jeff knows Jensen’s parents are in the lounge so he heads straight there.

“Jeff.” Jensen’s mother smiles at him nervously and nods at him to sit down. “You said you wanted to speak to us? Is everything ok? Jensen’s not sick or…”

“No.” Jeff interrupts immediately. “Everything’s great. Jensen’s really enjoying school and…he’s happy.” Jeff assures her.

“Ok.” She nods and takes a deep breath.

“What did you want to ask us about?” Mr Ackles asks. As much as Jeff hates to admit it he thinks Jensen must take after his father in some small ways. They’re both softly spoken but he can just bet the man has the same fiery temper as Jensen.

“I want to ask Jensen to marry me.” Jeff replies, deciding to cut to the chase. Jensen’s mother looks surprised but Jeff thinks she looks pleased. It’s harder to read her husband.

“You’re asking for our permission?”

“I’m asking for your blessing.” Jeff corrects. “If you say no I’ll still ask him. I just know how much it would mean to him to have you there.”

“You think he’ll say yes.” It’s not a question.

“We’ve been together for 12 years.” Jeff replies. “We’re practically married as it is. If I die tomorrow, some money goes to my mother but the bulk of it goes to Jensen. He’s my emergency contact. A civil partnership would just cement that.”

“Why now?” Jensen’s mother asks suddenly. “You’ve been together so long…”

“The laws only recently changed in California.” Jeff shrugs. “I guess we could have gone to England or Canada, but San Francisco is home. For both of us now.” Jensen’s father lets out a deep sigh and Jeff tries not to bristle. “Mr Ackles, I love Jensen. I can’t imagine my future without him. If you can’t accept that…”

“Jensen’s a good boy.” Mr Ackles interrupts.

“I know that.” Jeff tries not to bristle, he knows Jensen better than this man can ever hope to.

“We were afraid for him. Being…” He takes a deep breath. “Being gay isn’t easy anywhere. There’s always going to be someone with something to say, and Jensen was always so sensitive.”

“Your support would have meant more to him than any negative comments from strangers.” Jeff replies. Mr Ackles nods, suddenly he looks a lot older than he can possibly be and Jeff finds himself feeling sorry for him. For all of them. Jensen’s an amazing person, and they’ve missed out on years of his life because they were too stubborn to pick up a phone. “Jensen’s a good person. You should be proud of him. If you had any idea how much strength it took to come down here and face you all after last time…He’s here because his brother asked him to be, because he loves his nephew. He has more strength of character and compassion than you and me put together.”

“I suppose we have you to thank for that?”

“No. That’s all Jensen, I was just along for the ride.” Jeff sighs, this could be going a lot better. “I’m going to ask him to marry me, and hopefully he’ll say yes. He’s lived with your disapproval for years, maybe it’s time for you to understand that this is who he is.” Jeff stops. He’s said his piece and he stands up to go and find Jensen. Jensen’s father stands up too.

“Maybe it’s about time you started calling me Alan then.” He holds out his hand and Jeff stares at it for a moment, blinking stupidly before he forces his body to react and shakes Mr Ackles’ - Alan’s - hand. “Welcome to the family, son.” Jensen’s mom let’s out a choked laugh and Jeff can definitely understand how she feels.

“Jeff…” Jensen walks into the room and stops in the doorway, seeing Jeff and his father facing each other and his mother looking like she’s about to cry. “Is everything ok?”

“Never better.” Jensen’s father replies. Jeff can see the shock on Jensen’s face that his father answered the question and he turns wide eyes on Jeff who nods.

It’s long overdue, and Jeff is under no illusions that this is going to be easy, but maybe Jensen can finally have his family back.

rps, jdm/ja, au, kept!verse

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