Kept!verse: Time is an illusion

Aug 30, 2008 12:08

This is the fifth story in my Kept!verse, in which Jeff's a billionaire, Jensen's a princess and Jared's the long suffering bodyguard. It follows Sound the alarm
Title: Time is an illusion
Author:  tabbyshhh 
Wordcount: 4,706
Rating: PG12
Characters/Pairings: Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki/Tom Welling
Warnings: RPS, AU
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: None of this is real. As far as I Know Jeff isn’t a billionaire, Jensen isn’t a princess and Jared isn’t a bodyguard.
Summary: Jeff remembers.
Notes: Thanks to everyone who commented on the previous stories in this verse.

Confession time: I somehow managed to delete this entry and had to repost it. So, thanks to all the people who commented, because I've deleted all the comments!

Jeff stalks out of the building, heading in the opposite direction that he usually walks. He needs to clear his head and being followed by security won’t help.

After walking through an unfamiliar area of the neighbourhood for fifteen minutes he decides to get coffee and then head back. Hopefully the half hour break will have given his employees time to get their head’s out of their asses and sort things out. He stops walking, takes a deep breath and crosses the street to the coffee shop that had caught his attention. Starbucks was taking over the globe and it was nice to see a privately owned coffee shop in the area.

He walks into the shop and up to the counter, his eyes fixed on the board on the back wall stating what coffee is available.

“What can I get you?” Jeff glances down from the board and into the prettiest pair of eyes he’s ever seen, dark green and flanked by ridiculously long eyelashes.

“What’s good?” Jeff asks, letting his eyes track over the kid’s face - and he is a kid, no way he could be a day over 18 - moving from his eyes, to his nose and continuing down to sinfully plush lips. The kid starts blushing and Jeff realises he’s staring and immediately snaps his eyes up.

“Dark Italian’s good.” The kid tells him. ‘Jensen’ his name badge advertises. “If you want something stronger the Peruvian Organic has a kick to it.”

“Give me on of those.” Jeff decides. “Day I’ve had, I need all the help I can get.” Jensen smiles sympathetically.

“In or out?” He asks. Jeff glances at his watch, as much as he’d like to stay in the coffee shop and admire Jensen from behind a newspaper he really should be getting back.

“Better have it to go.” He sighs. Jensen hands over the coffee and Jeff passes him a ten dollar bill. “Thanks…”Jeff glances down at the name tag just to check and then adds “Jensen.”

“You’re welcome…” Jensen holds out his hand with Jeff’s change in it.

“Jeff.” He tells him, letting their fingers brush while he accepts the change.

“Well, I hope your day gets better, Jeff.” Jensen smiles, but then cuts his eyes away and Jeff can’t help but smile at how adorable this kid is.

“I think it just did.” Jeff replies softly, dropping his change into the tip jar. Jensen doesn’t look up but his cheeks blush pink as he mutters thanks and Jeff’s still smiling by the time he reaches the office.

The next day Jeff decides to take his lunch out of the office. It’s still warm, so the walk to the coffee shop is pleasant, even though Jeff knows he’s fooling himself by trying to think of excuses for going. It’s patently obvious to himself, and to his assistant, Lisa, if the smug looks she’d been giving him were any indication, that he’s going because he can’t get a certain barista out of his mind. He almost turns around and heads back because this is just ridiculous. He’s thirty years old and he’s acting like a high schooler with a crush.

He steels himself and carries on walking anyway. He may as well get some coffee or his assistant will just smirk even more when he gets back. If the woman wasn’t so damn efficient he’d fire her on principle.

Jeff steps into the store and immediately sees Jensen standing at the counter, serving another customer. Jeff grabs a sandwich from the cooler, barely glancing at it to see what it contains, waits patiently and is rewarded with a bright smile when Jensen looks up and sees him.

“Same as yesterday?” Jensen asks.

“Please.” Jeff nods. The coffee Jensen had recommended had been ridiculously good, dark and smooth, and it had kept Jeff going for most of the afternoon. “I’m going to sit outside and eat it though.” Jeff jerks a thumb at one of the small tables set up outside. It really is a nice day, seems a shame to waste it by staying inside.

“Ok.” Jensen grabs a mug instead of the paper cup and makes Jeff’s coffee. He hands it over and Jeff pays. He sits outside and spends some time staring up at the sky while he eats. He likes San Francisco, loves it, even, but sometimes he wishes he didn’t live in a city that feels so cramped. It’s better than New York though. Ever since he opened the office there the board have been trying to convince him to move head office, but he hasn’t been persuaded. Won’t be. It’s his company and he’ll be damned if he’ll let the bunch of idiots on the board decide its future.

JDM just celebrated its eighth birthday, and Jeff had no idea when he left college and started it that it would grow so huge in such a short period of time. The financial experts he employs now rattle on about business acumen and genius and finding a niche in the market. Jeff thinks of it in terms of luck.

He finishes his sandwich and drains the rest of his coffee, sighing when he decides it’s time to head back to the office.

“You want a refill?” Jeff looks up to see Jensen standing in front of him.

“Nah.” Jeff shakes his head with a friendly smile. “Better get back to work.” He sighs and pushes his sleeves back up to his elbows before standing. “See you tomorrow.” He says it before he really thinks about it, but Jensen just smiles and starts wiping down the table top. Jeff really is completely screwed.

“One word.” Jeff threatens Lisa the next day when she smirks at him again. “And I’ll send you to the New York office.” That in itself is not a particularly ominous threat. “And assign you to Weatherly.” She looks immediately put out and Jeff turns to leave, satisfied that she’ll keep her smugness off her face in future. Michael Weatherly is their in house PR man. He’s fantastic at his job but has a habit of going through assistants at a spectacular rate, usually by breaking up their marriages. She holds her hands up in surrender and Jeff leaves.

The coffee shop’s a lot busier today and Jeff decides to get his sandwich and coffee to go. He has a big meeting tomorrow that he needs to prepare for.

“Hey.” Jensen looks a little flustered but he spares a smile for Jeff. “Usual?” He asks.

“Yep. To go, please.” Jensen nods and starts making the coffee. “Busy today.” Jeff comments.

“Yeah.” Jensen sighs. “There’s something on at the Art centre.” He nods at the community art centre across the street. “I guess they just broke for lunch.” He doesn’t get much more conversation out of Jensen because the guy behind Jeff starts tutting. Jeff turns to glare at him but the guy’s eyes widen and Jeff guesses he’s recognised him so he thanks Jensen and leaves.

The meeting’s going about as well as Jeff thought it would. If one more member of the board suggests moving to New York he’s going to quit and start a rival company, taking all the best client’s with him.

They’ve finished lunch and are just about to start up the meeting again, but Jeff’s the only one in the board room at the moment. When Lisa walks in, pushing a trolley, he can smell the aroma of coffee immediately. When he looks up he sees the familiar logo on the coffee cups stacked on there and shakes his head when she grins at him.

“You certainly have good taste.” She smiles. “Peruvian Organic?” She hands him a cup and he takes the lid off, inhaling deeply. “At least, that’s what Jensen said you usually have.”

“You want me to call Weatherly in here?” Jeff nods to the man, who can be seen through the floor to ceiling glass wall, currently talking to one of the office juniors who’s giggling and blushing. Jeff really needs to talk to him about the ethics of dating (or sleeping with) subordinates, but the girl is based in San Francisco and doesn’t do anything remotely related to Weatherly’s department so he thinks the point would be moot.

“I’m just teasing.” She grins at him and Jeff lets some of the tension ease from his shoulders. She really is a good assistant, she went out of her way to get his favourite coffee after all, even if it was just so she could tease him. “He’s cute, you should ask him out.”

“He’s half my age.” Jeff sighs.

“He’s 18.” Lisa replies. “It was a big order.” She adds when Jeff looks at her incredulously. “I had time to chat.” She shrugs.

“He’s probably straight.” Jeff clutches at straws. If his gaydar is functioning at all then he’s pretty sure Jensen isn’t straight, but he hasn’t exactly had chance to speak to him much.

“Are you kidding?” Now it’s Lisa’s chance to look incredulous. “He looked like someone kicked his puppy when I said you probably won’t have chance to swing by there today.” Jeff’s heart lifts but he’s pretty glad when Weatherly walks into the room, grinning and stuffing a piece of paper into his pocket. Jeff just shakes his head and sighs.

The afternoon goes smoother than the morning, the coffee gives Jeff the energy to deal with the bitching and fighting of men he would have expected to grow out of it years ago.

He’s sitting at a stop light when he suddenly decides to swing by the coffee shop. It’s 10.45 now and he knows it’s open ‘til 11. He’s got a lot of paperwork to review before tomorrow and a cup of coffee will go a long way to stop him from passing out, even if the chances are that Jensen won’t be there now, not if he was working at lunch time. He parks the car in a bay at the art centre and jogs across the road.

Jensen is the first thing he sees when he steps into the shop. He’s got his head down, wiping down the counter, but he looks up when Jeff walks in, stifling a yawn with one hand and pushing wire rimmed glasses up his nose.

“Hey.” He smiles, when he’s finished yawning, and looks surprised to see Jeff.

“Hey.” Jeff smiles back. “You work every hour God sends?”

“No.” Jensen shakes his head. “I usually work 7 ‘til 3 but someone called in sick so I’m working a double and Steve had to leave early…” Jensen pauses as though he realises he shouldn’t have told a stranger that he’s alone in the shop.

“Don’t worry.” Jeff smiles. “I’m not a serial killer.”

“I’m pretty sure most serial killers would say that.” Jensen retorts, blushing a little, but his shoulders have relaxed slightly. “What can I get you?” He asks. “It’s a little late for your usual.”

“Really?” Jeff raises an eyebrow. “Maybe I’ll try the dark Italian you recommended last time then.” Jensen nods, fixing the coffee for him. He puts it in a mug without asking and hands it over, blushing. Jeff puts his hand in his pocket for his wallet but Jensen just waves a hand dismissively.

“Nah, it’s on the house. I’m just about to empty the pots anyway.” He shrugs. “Won’t be good by morning. Besides, your assistant bought like a hundred cups this afternoon.” He adds. “Big meeting?”

“Yeah.” Jeff smiles at Jensen. It’s pretty obvious, from the nervous way that Jensen keeps wiping the same spot on the counter, and pushing his glasses up his nose with his free hand, that he’s shy and it’s taking a lot for him to be so forward in this conversation. Jeff sits at one of the tall stools at the counter so he can chat to Jensen while he finishes cleaning up. “How long have you worked here?” He asks.

“Not long.” Jensen shrugs. “About two months. Moved up here from Texas.”

“Oh, yeah?” Jeff asks. “Whereabouts?”


“Long way from home then. Why’d you pick San Francisco? You studying?” Jeff asks.

“No.” Jensen looks down. “I don’t have the money right now.” He shrugs a little. “And I don’t know what I’d study anyway.” Jeff frowns to himself, wondering how a kid like Jensen, who seems sweet and well mannered, ended up alone in a big city working in a coffee shop, albeit a nice one. He guesses being gay in Texas isn’t easy though. “I just wanted to get away and California seemed as good a place as any.”

“Yeah. At least being from Texas you’ll be used to the heat. I moved here from Seattle. Couldn’t stand it at first. I used to pray for the rain but even that isn’t the same.”

“Seattle?” Jensen asks curiously.

“Yeah. I moved down here…I guess it was about 12 years ago now, to go to college.” Jeff replies. “Stanford.” He adds when Jensen looks curious.

“Wow.” Jensen looks impressed. “How come you stayed?”

“Got used to the weather.” Jeff grins. “I like the city. Seattle’s a cool place to visit but I like living here better. Started my company here so…”

“So now you’re stuck?”

“Nah. People keep trying to convince me to move it to New York but I’m not biting. We’re doing just fine here for now.” Jeff nods, paraphrasing what he’s been telling the board all day. “How are you liking San Francisco?”

“I like it.” Jensen nods. “I’ve been trying to explore a bit. Steve’s been showing me around.”

“Steve?” Jeff asks, there’s that name again.

“Yeah, his parent’s own this place and he works here sometimes. He wants to be a musician.” Jensen replies. “He’s really good.” He nods certainly and Jeff can’t help but smile.

“He take you on the Muni?”

“Yeah.” Jensen nods enthusiastically. “And to the bridge. I want to go to Alcatraz Island too, but I don’t really like boats so I haven’t been there yet.” He shrugs. “I’ll get round to it.”

“You should.” Jeff nods. He notices that Jensen seems to have finished cleaning up and looks about dead on his feet. “Hey, I’m keeping you.” He drains the rest of his coffee.”

“No, it’s ok.” Jensen protests.

“You’ve been here since seven and you’ve got to be back at seven tomorrow.” Jeff reminds him. “You should get home and sleep.”

“I guess.” Jensen doesn’t look thrilled with the idea but he takes Jeff’s mug and slots it in the dishwasher anyway, setting the machine going.

“Is there anywhere I can drop you?” Jeff asks, watching Jensen hang his apron up and grab his jacket.

“No, it’s fine.” Jensen glances at him warily.

“I’m still not a serial killer.” Jeff promises. “Scouts honour.”

“My momma told me never to get in cars with strangers.” Jensen replies, but he seems to wince when he realises what he’s said.

“Where’s the security camera?” Jeff asks.

“There.” Jensen points to the camera, still watching Jeff carefully. Jeff turns so that his face will be captured fully by the camera.

“My name is Jeffrey Dean Morgan.” He annunciates clearly, knowing that there won’t be any sound on the recording. “My number is 555-3987. I’m giving Jensen a ride home.” He turns back to face Jensen. “I can’t kill you now, or I’ll get caught.” The tension slides from Jensen’s shoulders and he smiles widely.

“Ok.” He nods. He follows Jeff out of the store and locks up carefully, following him over to his car. “Wow, nice ride.” Jensen gives a low whistle.

“Thanks.” Jeff should have guessed that a boy from Texas would appreciate his truck. It’s way bigger than he really needs but he hadn’t been able to resist. Plus, it pisses the board off, they seem to think he should be driving Aston Martins, and he probably will one day. But not yet. “You drive?”

“I have my license back home, but not here. I don’t really enjoy it anyway.” He shrugs.

“You have a roommate?” Jeff asks. Jensen looks at him warily. “I’m just making conversation.” Jeff laughs, smiling when Jensen relaxes and looks sheepish.

“Yeah.” Jensen nods. “We don’t have much in common though. He…He smokes a lot.” Jeff can tell by Jensen’s expression that he doesn’t just mean cigarettes. “But he sleeps a lot too, so mostly he’s ok.” Jensen shrugs.

“First apartments always suck.” Jeff nods. “I lived in some real dives when I was in college.” He shudders a little and Jensen smiles. “You’ll get somewhere better eventually.”

“I hope so. The apartment itself isn’t too bad.” Jensen adds. “Oh, anywhere along here’s fine.” He says suddenly.

“This is your building?” Jeff asks curiously. Jensen blushes and Jeff guesses they’re probably at least a block away from where Jensen actually lives. “What’s it going to take for you to believe I’m not a serial killer?” He asks.

“You not killing me.” Jensen replies with a wide smile. “I live just down there.” He points. “But there are always cars parked and it’s a dead end, you’d never be able to turn this thing around.” Jeff glances down the street Jensen indicated and sure enough he would struggle to get the truck down there, never mind turn it around at the end. “Thanks for the ride.” Jensen smiles at him and reaches for the door.

“Wait.” Jeff stops him. “Let me take you out. You finish work at 3 tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah.” Jensen nods, looking a little like a deer caught in the headlights. “You finish early on Fridays?”

“I kind of set my own hours.” Jeff shrugs. “We’ll go out in the daylight so you don’t have to worry about me murdering you.” Jensen smiles at that. “Maybe we could go to Alcatraz.” Jeff suggests.

“Ok.” Jensen says eventually.

“Great. I’ll pick you up at 3.” Jeff grins and watches until he can see Jensen has entered the door of his building, ignoring the impatient cab driver behind him.

“What’s gotten into you?” Lisa demands the next day.

“Nothing.” Jeff grins.

“Not going to get coffee?” She asks snottily.

“Never mind me, what’s wrong with you?” Jeff asks. She looks shifty immediately. “Oh, god, please tell me you didn’t go back to Michael’s hotel room last night.”

“Maybe.” She grimaces.

“Jesus, you should know better.”

“I know.” She groans. “But he’s so hot. You know if he was gay you’d be all over that!”

“He’s bi.” Jeff corrects. “But I’m his boss and he knows better.” Jeff shakes his head.

“You didn’t answer my question.” Lisa says, after a moment’s silence. “Are you going to get coffee at lunch? Or do you need me to call something in?”

“Call something in.” Jeff confirms. “I need to go by 2.45 at the very latest.”

“Why?” She asks curiously.

“I don’t pay you to ask questions.” Jeff grins at her. “Now get out of here before I start the transfer process.” Lisa throws her pen lid at him and exits swiftly. Jeff really needs to have that chat with Weatherly, and soon.

Jeff shuts down his computer at 2.30, changes and leaves the building. He makes it to the coffee shop at 2.55, just in time to see Jensen taking off his apron and stepping out from behind the counter.

“Hi.” Jensen smiles widely at him but cuts his eyes down to the floor shyly. “This is Steve.” He indicates the man behind the counter.

“Hey, man.” Steve’s smile is laid back but Jeff gets the distinct impression he’s being sized up anyway. He can’t be anything but glad that Jensen has someone looking out for him. “You want a coffee to take with you?” He offers.

“I’m good thanks.” Jeff shakes his head.

“You’ve had enough already today.” Steve rolls his eyes at Jensen who does look a little wired. “Get him out of here.” He grins at Jeff who opens the door open for Jensen.

“Tired?” Jeff asks. He wouldn’t be surprised, Jensen had worked a 16 hour shift yesterday and been back at work after 8 hours off, he couldn’t have had enough sleep.

“Not anymore.” Jensen grins a little sheepishly and Jeff reminds himself to always be aware where the nearest restroom is for their afternoon excursion.

Jeff hails them a cab and they head down to the coastal area. Jensen looks a little confused when the cab carries on past the ferry port but he doesn’t say anything. They step out of the cab and Jeff pays the driver. He catches Jensen glancing at the gleaming black helicopter before looking out at the water and frowning at the ferry that can be seen making it’s way steadily across to the island.

“Can’t swim?” Jeff asks.

“Course I can swim.” Jensen looks surprised. “You’re not expecting me to swim there though are you?”

“No.” Jeff laughs. “Just trying to figure out why you don’t like boats.”

“Oh. They make me feel nauseous.” Jensen shrugs.

“You don’t mind flying?” Jeff checks.

“No.” Jensen replies. Then he catches on and looks at the helicopter with wide eyes. “We’re going in that?”

“Called in some favours.” Jeff grins. “San Francisco by air is amazing. Thought we could see that, then go to Alcatraz for a while and then maybe grab dinner.” He suggests. “As long as you don’t have any other plans.”

“No.” Jensen shakes his head. “I don’t really know that many people here. I have to work at 7 tomorrow though.” He reminds Jeff.

“I’ll have you home by dark.” Jeff promises solemnly, smiling when Jensen grins at him. “You work everyday?”

“Monday, Tuesday and Thursday through Saturday usually.” Jensen replies. “But the girl who was out sick yesterday was out on Wednesday too so I offered to work.”

The pilot of the helicopter chooses that moment to come and brief them on safety instructions. Jeff’s flown in ‘copters more times than he can remember, so he pays more attention to the rapt way that Jensen listens to the instructions, nodding along occasionally.

They get seated and put on the headsets so they’ll be able to speak to each other and the pilot. Jeff’s already told him the route he wants him to take. Watching Jensen clutch his seat as they take off is amusing and Jeff has to hide his smile. They’re in the air for about half an hour all told. Jensen has his face close to the window while Jeff describes where they are. He points out the coffee shop and Jensen’s apartment so the younger man can get his bearings.

“That was so cool!” Jensen enthuses when they’re finally at their destination and have handed their headsets back to the pilot. He’s decided to forgo the audio tour and take Jensen round the island himself. If they spend the whole time listening to the tour it won’t be much of a date, so he takes Jensen to the prison, explaining the history of the island as they go.

Eventually they make their way to the cliffs to watch the wild birds that Jensen seems fascinated by. He points some of them out and tells Jeff their names.

“My dad likes birds.” Jensen shrugs when Jeff raises his eyebrows. Jensen’s voice sounds so defeated that Jeff decides not to ask anything more about his family. He’s already learned that he has an older brother and a younger sister, and that his whole family is back in Texas. “Oh, look!” Jensen changes the subject for him, grabbing his hand and pulling him further along the railing, looking over the edge. Jeff’s not sure what he’s supposed to be looking at and he doesn’t really care.

It takes a while for him to be able to coax Jensen back to the helicopter, because Jensen wants to look at everything for just a little bit longer and Jeff doesn’t have any motivation for this to be over quickly so he lets him get away with it.

“Ready for dinner?” Jeff asks, when they’re finally back in the city.

“Yeah.” Jensen nods, taking his jacket off, it’s a lot warmer without the wind that blows over the island.

“Great.” Jeff takes his cell phone out and calls the restaurant to let them know they’re on the way.

When they’re sitting at the table, just the two of them but surrounded by other people, Jensen seems to get shy again. Jeff doesn’t mind, he thinks it’s actually pretty endearing. He imagines most kids who look like Jensen are probably cocky little brats.

It’s not difficult to make conversation with Jensen though, especially once their food’s arrived and he has something to distract him from his nervous fidgeting. He’s sarcastic and sharp, making Jeff laugh out loud in surprise more than once. He’s as open and honest about most things as he is closed off when Jeff asks him questions about his family, most of which he politely, but firmly, avoids answering.

Jeff takes Jensen home after dinner, he has to be at work the next morning and despite the after dinner coffee he’s stifling yawns every few minutes. Jeff had had one of his staff drop his truck at the restaurant so he drives Jensen home, this time parking on the main street and walking Jensen to the door of his building. He doesn’t ask to go in. Jensen’s wide eyed and nervous as they stand in the dimly lit lobby saying their goodbyes.

“I had a great time.” Jensen says shyly, cutting his eyes to the elevator that has an out of order sign on the closed doors.

“Me too.” Jeff smiles at him. “Does that mean I can take you out again?”

“I’d like that.” Jensen finally meets Jeff’s eyes and Jeff’s smile widens. They exchange numbers, Jeff hoping Jensen doesn’t think he’s too pretentious for giving him his business card, it’s just easier than listing all his different numbers.

“I’ll call you.” Jeff promises, meaning it sincerely. Jensen nods and Jeff steps forward, cupping Jensen’s cheek in his hand and leaning forward to press a chaste kiss against Jensen’s beautiful lips. He doesn’t try to push for more, or deepen the kiss. Jensen’s young and shy, probably inexperienced if Jeff’s correctly guessed the reason Jensen moved to another state, miles away from his friends and family. When he pulls back Jensen’s blushing brightly but he’s smiling, looking at Jeff through those ridiculously long lashes, and Jeff knows that he must be grinning like a loon, not really pulling off the suave business like exterior he shows to most people. He doesn’t care though, there’s something about Jensen that negates his need to hide.

“Jeff? Jeff!” Jeff’s startled out of his thoughts by someone waving their hand in front of his face. “You ok, man? You kind of spaced out on me for a while there.” Sterling says.

“Sorry.” Jeff looks down at the cup of coffee in his hand and then around at the coffee shop. Jensen and Tom are gaining extra credits by running an art workshop for disadvantaged teens at the art centre across the street. It fits in well with a lot of the charity work Jensen does and he’d been so excited about it that morning that Jeff hadn’t been able to resist going to wait for him at the coffee shop, even though there was a growing pile of work on his desk at the office. “This place just has a lot of memories, you know?”

“This is where you and Jensen met?” Sterling asks, even though he knows the story.

“Long time ago.” Jeff nods.

“Things must have changed a lot since then.” Sterling says, just as Jensen walks into the shop, Tom and Jared hot on his heels. Jensen heads straight for the counter, talking excitedly to Mrs Carlson who smiles indulgently at him fixing him a coffee and nodding in Jeff’s direction.

“Not that much.” Jeff replies to Sterling when Jensen turns to look at him green eyes sheltered by long dark lashes, and that secret smile that’s belonged solely to Jeff since the first time they kissed. “Not that much.”

I've never actually been to San Francisco, I hope it's not glaringly obvious in this one.
Also, I have less than three weeks left until I have to submit my Masters Thesis so this might be the last update until then. Although, I do seem to be writing more of this than of my thesis so you never know. Wish me luck!

rps, jdm/ja, au, kept!verse

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