Nov 30, 2006 07:30
so i woke up the morning in a cold sweat, confirming my suspicion that i am sick. i had been feeling kind of sickly the past couple days, so yeah. now i'm sitting here, feeling like crap, wanting to go back to bed, but i have to finish this stupid paper that's due at 9:30. I'm aboutl halfway done. it has to be at least two pages and no more than four. i've got about one and one third pages done, so if i can just stop procrastinating and crank it out i can get some more sleep before class.
speaking of class, today is my last day of classes. woot woot. just got exams to go. i've got one take home that's due tuesday, but i'm going to try to do it tonight or saturday so i don't have to worry about it next week. then one exam monday night (astronomy, should be easy), one tuesday afternoon (political ideologies, might suck. i need to read a shit ton for it ), and one thursday afternoon (international relations. shouldn't be too bad. got some reading to do and some notes to review).
today, i'm coming home from class, then Joules and i are running to tri-county or kenwood to check something out, then coming home and relaxing/sleeping all night.
well, i'm going to stop procrastinating and finish this paper. later.