My week!

Dec 14, 2002 14:57

Hey Hey!
Miss me guys? haha! Well I missed you!
So Monday was such a good day! Joshua Asked if I wanted to stay the night and I did! :D
Then on Tuesday I went to the game with Am and seen Josh doing his 13 flips in a row... how cute, plus we won the game 70 to 66! It was a good game! I hung out with Joshua!:D Dawn helped me study for my test<<< Government... by the way I got an A! :)
Next day was a PDS and I had night school<<< BLAAA! I babysat and Joshua now calls Weston<<< Auston... its cute!
Thursday I had night school too, all we did was watch a movie>>> Th New Kid!
Yesterday I hung out with Joshua for a little and took Alex over there>>> man when I get them two around each other, Alex is stuck up his ass... but I love it. Reminds me of the days when they would be out side throwen the football around and Joshua showen A0lex how to play football... I went to the basketball game with AM and the boys yesterday ohh man we did horrible and some slutty ass bitch said some shit to me. She walked by and everyone was saying shit well me "The big mouth I am" said "Man take that shit somewhere else!" and she turned around and said "Your just mad that you dont look as good as me!" Thats when I blew up, everyone was holdin me back... I was like man there is a damn difference between you and I... There is something called slutiness (pointing at her) and something called CLASS (pointing at me) and she kissed her finger and walked away! SLUT! ewwwwwwww... Then I went to Country Boy with Tanya, we were fucking with JD... Then some drunk guy was yellin at me, so JD said shit to him, I think he got affended when the man said shit to me and Tan! But we staid there till Pete came in and then he started shit, but didnt say anything to tanya face... He is scared, what a loser! Then we went to her house and went to sleep!
Today I am doin homework, going to my cousins birthday party and then to the movies with Tan, Me, my cousin G and I dont know who else... But hope you had a better week than I!
Tomorrow when Tan is at work I think I'm going to Gibralter with Joshua and the family...
Jenna look at the song I put in here! love ya Jenna kubers!
ok I am outty... PEACE MY NIGGAS!
~*~ TABBA ~*~
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