Jaimie Bede and Tabba FIGHTING IS GREAT!

Dec 09, 2002 16:12

So since everyone is nosey and wants to know the real out come about Jaimie and I fighting on Saturday at Hi-Me's hotel party then how about you here the real story...
Well I am going to just tell you the best part... Jaimie and I were argueing in the bathroom and everyone that was at the party was standing at the door watching... well I knew I was going to hit her and I didnt want anyone to pull me off her, so I shut the door and lock it. So we were yelling at each other more and then the stupid ass bitch brang up Joshua, so of course I am going to stick up for him. She started saying stuff like he is never going to change, he is an ass hole, no one cares about him, you hoed me so many times to be with him, im glad that his ass is in a fucking wheel chair... during this time she was saying this shit I kept saying "Shut the fuck up, Jaimie... shut the fuck up!" I said it like 4 or 5 times and then I was like "If you dont shut the fuck up I am going to fucking punch your ass!" Then she said "He never fucking loved you in the first place!" That just fucking made me go off... so I fucking punched her, she fell in the sink and I punched her in the head like 2 or 3 more times... she then got up and backed into the corner and told me that I need to stop hitting her... she went for the door and I pushed her and asked her "What the fuck are you thinking? Your not going anywhere!" and I punched her again. She hit the towel rack and slid down and sat on the towlet seat... when she did that I told her to "Sit the fuck down, bitch!" So she started yelling at me again saying something about I am mean to her and that our friendship is over, next thing I know, I hear Tanya out side the door yell "Your friendships been over, BITCH!" Then Jaimie went to open the door again and I punched her again and she almost fell in the bath tub, thats when I said "Take a fucking bath, SLUT!" and walked out the door!
So JAIMIE, I hope you learned you fucking lesson... I find out that you did that shit today and your ass is hit! When I am done beating your ass again, I am going to let Tanya fucking hit your ass too! Fuck with me BITCH! So how is that swollen BLACK EYE? What about the bruses everywhere? BITCH you better hope that your not the one fucking with me cause I would love to take your ass on AGAIN!
Tiffany had her baby, CAMERON HUNTER ITONEY! 7lb 7oz healthy as can be! on Saturday the 7th @ 3:18 in the morning... CONGRATULATIONS to both sides of the family! Good job Tiffness! We all prayed for you and the baby! I LOVE YA GIRL!
I wanted to thank everone including TAN for being there for me over the years!
Well I am outty... PEACE MY NIGGAS!
Love your one and only...
~*~ TABBA ~*~
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