I clog ur conexun!

Dec 05, 2007 02:52

Seriously, I'm about to do it. Many images. Holly, I will probably DC you :(

The rest of you - LOOK AT THIS!!

I know, it's like making people look at slides of my vacation (which it kinda IS!) but most of you are MMO people and I have GOT to share! WOW!

I nudges my graphics up from "lowest" to "low" and look at the difference - it's GORGEOUS and this is still only low! I'm totally blown away. (Keep in mind the screenshots were also compressed so I could put them online, they looked even better!!) I need better hardware so I can see this at full strength. It will probably make me cry, as big a LOTR nut as I am! I cried in the Shire-intro scene every time I watch the first movie >.>

Silana and Silhann (Zylona and Zyrhan)


Silana again >.>

Nenuvyiel and Silarn

Asthand (Ashand)

Asthand again - the screenshot was a momentary fancy, the crop was a mistake, but I LOVE it for some reason

As always, my girl who looks best fighting is Leiri/Sileirien (Liira/Zyliira)

Bad-ass. And how cool is the environment?! It's like Dun Morogh, but like... I dunno. Realer.

Snowy pinup... I really love those mountains.


[insert Warcraft Dryad voice] Ahh, the great outdoors! [dryad off] That's actually the bored emote. As in, I was bored with Asthand, who was afk for-freaking-ever.

Shire girls are pretty too!!



That is the Party Tree! THE Party Tree!! I squealed like the fangirl I am!

BAG!!! END!!!!! And yes, that's Otho and Lobelia Sackville-Baggins on the porch!

I also met and did a quest for Gaffer Gamgee and got grain from Ted Sandyman. *SQUEE*

In-game wedding, anyone? They BUILT a place for it!! And it's canon!

You actually get TOTALLY DIFFERENT emotes, tools and spawn a little workarea when you craft! Look, this is smithing!

And THAT is tailoring! She makes little sewing motions!! How I longed for the days when I could craft by... you know... crafting instead of rubbing my palms together!

From here on out, it's all gorgeous views at twilight going on to night. Days are nice and long in Middle Earth, and time matters. Some quests only trigger, or events happen, at night. Oh, and night is actually DARK! YAY!

Holy crap LENS FLARE?! Yum!

Night is falling...

Stars... with distinct constellations. I swoon.

Berry farms at night. That's TALENT, folks.

So, the zones are eyecandy, the elf cities put Silvermoon to shame, the sky is as good as Nagrand (which was the last place I loved this much) and the game is just plain FUN!

Did I mention I'm in love? :D

OH! And we met a random RPer and hung out with them for a couple hours in the baby area! It was great!! yay!!

screenshots: lotro, mmo: lotro

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