Those of you who don't play CoH won't ENTIRELY get this, but I think it's funny enough to be universal!
Original thread
here Pun Defender:
1 . Absorb Du Pain
Removes all bread related effects from a teammate and applies them to the Defender.
2. Defection Shield
A PBAoE Confusion Field.
3. Rappel
Allows you and a teammate to travel rapidly down vertical surfaces.
4. Poisson Arrow
Hits a single target with a fish. They may become stunned. I would.
5. Fearsome Stair
A staircase appears from nowhere. Where does it go? Nobody knows, but it sure looks creepy. Foes around it are effected as by fear as they stair...erm stare at it.
6. Chocking Cloud
You are surrounded by a mysterious cloud. Foes entering it may find themselves immobilized by a pair of wooden blocks at their feet.
7. Sonic Revulsion
Plays a selection of Biz Markie's greatest hits. Foes are effected as by the old style fear. The one where they are dramatically debuffed but run away like mad.
8. RA
Summons a graduate student. Invention costs for all on team are reduced, assuming they all gather on command before hand.
9. Gayle
Summons your pet. A woman named Gayle. She is a normal citizen. The vast power of this pet may cause it to be nerfed in testing.
For those who don't play CoH: Absorb Pain is an Empathy heal, Deflection Shield is a Forcefield power, Repel is a Kinetics power, Poison Arrow is a Trick Arrow power, Fearsome Stare is a Dark Miasma power, Choking Cloud is a Radiation power, Sonic Repulsion is a Sonic power, RA is the appreviation for Recovery/Regeneration Auras which are Empathy powers, and Gale is a Storm Summoning power... basically pun versions of powers from all the other defender sets.
I think Poisson Arrow is my favorite! Kowits would be proud!