A very Blessed Brigid! (Or Imbolc) And snowflake 6.

Feb 02, 2017 20:35


I posted this on my FB, so i thought I'd post it here, too, to all my dear flist.

A very merry Imbolc to you! Today we mark the beginning of the end of winter, and the first stirrings of spring. The seeds that have slept so long and deeply now stir, and the Goddess steps forward as Maiden, the green points of crocus, daffodil, snowdrop and hyacinth pushing upward in her wake. Now is the time to look forward, to gather up all your stored energy and plans and ideas and begin! It's time to plant the seeds of the future, to put into motion the long dreams of winter nights, and to shed the old, the past, the husk, and burst forth in bloom! Love and blessings to you all!

And now the snowflake challenge. In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts.

HRMMM. Well, what can I say. I love fanart! I wish I had more. I'd love to see a fanvid that sort of tells the story (or evokes) one of my stories. I'd love an illustration or drawing or what have you of a scene or characters from a story. I don't listen to them, but i love having podfics, because so many *other* people listen.

I will never, ever forget the awesome and amazing series of images that katekat1010 made for reremouse and I for 'No More Snakes and Ladders'. I mean...WOW. Even now, it just bowls me over.

Same for *all* the art, or podfic, or even 'inspired by' fic that anyone has gifted me with. It's always just amazing when what I've written inspires someone else enough that they are moved to *create*.

So there we have it. :)

Originally entered at http://tabaqui.dreamwidth.org/196186.html - comment where you please!


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