And it's lovely, if a bit detrimental to our basement. Ah, well. It's also rather chilly, which means i'm doing the ever-so-fashionable socks+slippers combo. Whoo!
Yesterday was a trip south-east (about forty-five minutes) to where my mom in law lives. She has a 'farm', with a number of garden plots, a greenhouse (home made), goats, chickens, guinea fowl, ducks, a lamb, and three dogs.
Two people in the family were having a birthday this month, and one person just graduated from High School, so we were having a sort of celabratory-mashup BBQ and visit. It was quite nice! Ate good food, visited with all the family, saw the nearly-100 chicks that just hatched in the last three days, and watched the cousins plus my SO and his brother play Frisbee with, like...five Frisbees. Hehe. It got *very* chilly - yay for hoodies! - and the sunset was gorgeous.
Came home with about five-dozen eggs, including a dozen green ones from the Easter chickens, and a dozen duck eggs. Can't wait to try them! Soon, i'm promised some strawberry plants. And there was no drama-llama! Always good (if not usual).
I was going to do that fic-meme-thing that
trishabooms and
sweptawaybayou both tagged me in, but i can't brain today.
Instead, I leave you with the link to my Tumblr (where i basically reblog the pretty and fannish stuff i like, so i'll have it all collected somewhere). First person who gets the url/title gets an internet cookie. :)
CheyneLightning Originally entered at - comment where you please!