It's me again! :) And this journal is starting to oddly resemble a gardening one. Or something. Please don't let the pictures fool you - i *do not* garden. I am horrible at gardening. I kill things nobody else can kill, mostly through total loss of memory about the existence of said thing. I forget to water, to move, to prune....
Which is why i love bulbs and my yard that is mostly flowering weeds. :)
Speaking of - for the last couple of weeks, the honeysuckle has been in bloom. Oooh, it's so wonderful. You step outside - or you just get a breeze through the window - and you are enveloped in the scent. I love it so much.
I wish it would cover the back fence, too. But, see, the thing is...as much as i Do Not Garden, i dearly *love* plants. Vines, trees, flowering things...i love them. I would have a house full if a) i didn't kill them all (history will not be kind) and b) didn't have cats that thought eating and digging in potted plants a fine, fine pasttime.
So i got a nice hanging plant for mom's day. :)
It's called 'Hawaiian Luau', and it has four different colors of flowers - probably four different plants in one pot. I love it, but it needs watering daily or it wilts into sad little strings. I am persevering at remembering. :)
And so, that's my post for the day. Tomorrow, I think i'm going to do the meme that
trishabooms tagged me in ages ago.
(P.S. - it's low seventies and just lovely outside. Would that it would stay this way until August!)
Originally entered at
http://tabaqui.dreamwidth.org/170638.html - comment where you please!