scrapbook update - the book itself!

Nov 10, 2010 11:19

Hello, everyone! Yes, I'm back in the fray (thanks for those good wishes; I had a great break)!

Well, on to Big News. We've put off showing this before now, until we were reasonably sure it was going to actually happen. But during my search for that perfect scrapbook to house all the wonderful things we've received, I came across this company that does amazing hand made leather journals.

They were willing to do a custom job for a larger size than usual, so that it could act as a "sleeve" to cover the standard scrapbook I had bought. I've been talking details with a lady from that company the last few weeks and we've worked out the details, and the order has been placed!

The style will be tweaked a little, obviously, to accommodate our needs, but I wanted to show you the original journal design that we're working from.

Blindingly perfect, eh?

Now, it's not in my hands yet, so anything could still happen, as with any on-line order. BUT they have good ratings as sellers and the rep I've dealt with is very excited to be doing this work and has been very helpful, so I felt it okay to get your hopes up too! LOL It should be done and back to me about the time I finish up the scrapbook pages. Tabrett may get our efforts in time for a holiday gift!

So, what do you think?

Also, we have indeed decided to do a PayPal "donate" button to help us collect any $$ Aid you all want to give. We have pretty much all the expenses figured out now, including a postal estimate on shipping to Tabrett, so we're set to give a final total, with receipts. We'll be making another post about that in about a week, so please look out for it!


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