Check it out: in spite of how distracted I've been by all that Pride and Prejudice fanfiction I mentioned earlier, two of my multi-chaptered fics are now complete! "Worlds Apart" as of a couple of weeks ago, and "Finis Vitae Sed Non Amoris" as of about twenty minutes ago. Despite the crazy amount of reviews the former has accumulated over the past year, I tend to be more fond of the latter--although this might be due to how much fun I had with those Latin chapter titles. Okay. *cracks knuckles* Time to move on ahead with the big ones: "Season 9" and "The Slayer and His Vampire". Hopefully the muse will spare some time for that whimsical little HP second gen mischief one too so I can finish that. It's so good to be down to two entrées and an appetizer. The four-course banquet was a bit much, and now that the sweetest and most bitter are done, I'm left with the hearty savory stuff that I've always preferred. Aaand, I'm gonna move on to a new topic now, before this metaphor makes me hungry. (By the way, you can find all of the aforementioned fics over at
the Pit.)
On a mostly unrelated note, I watched both Twilight and, for the first time, New Moon this week. I now have a new appreciation for the Buffyverse. Particularly the Buffy/Angel aspect of it. And the lore. And the character development. And the pacing. And the directing. And the writing. The lonely awesomeness of Alice, Charlie, and the wolves managed to carry me through to the end credits, but not without a great deal of squirming, eye-rolling, and general using of my laptop as a distraction. I also resumed watching Supernatural where I left off a long time ago in early season one. I think I actually prefer the thwarted horror plot format of most episodes to the varying degrees of campiness of the Buffyverse, particularly when it comes to the designs for the various demons and monsters. But Buffy and Angel are still leagues ahead of the Winchester brothers for me.