For fannish5: Name your five favorite spaceships.

May 08, 2010 00:15

1. The Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)... Come on!!! It is the icon of spaceships... besides it is an awesome hunk of junk.
2. Kosh Naranek's Ship. (Babylon 5) A living ship and an old sort of quirky personality to boot. Definitely and awesome ship.
3. The Valley Forge. (Silent Running) The ship assigned to tend to the last biomes saved from a dying Earth. Poetic and tragically sad the ship is a symbol of so much.
4. Slave I...(Star Wars) Boba Fett's ship... Enough said.
5. Spaceball One..(Spaceballs)... it has "ludicrous speed"! and is a major setting for one of my favorite comedies. It has a special place in my heart. OMG They've gone to plaid.

Actually, there are so many cool ships...Klaatu's ship, the mother ship from Close Encounters, E.T.'s home ship, Shadow ships, Vorchans.. and on and on. I really like space ships. Even the Enterprise has a bit of nostalgia.

fannish 5

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