Big update

Nov 11, 2008 20:02

So. Work.. work is good but driving me crazy. I have three students now. A college chemistry, third grade writing and math for one, and third grade reading and math for the other. I'm pretty excited but getting into the swing of writing lesson plans and such is getting to me. It's hard when you are trying to juggle it and follow a school that you don't know what they are doing. All in all though I enjoy it.

On other fronts.. Pitt still sucks. Student loan people suck even more. Can't have everything good I suspect.

I've still been modeling. Maybe tomorrow I will get to editing them. I also have to catch up on all those writing requests so my NaNo cheering count isn't so far behind anymore.

In other fun news I adopted three baby crayfish. Pictures to come. They are almost too tiny to photograph but I will try tomorrow as well.

Now I relax and be lazy for a bit. I need it.

OH and... Another pyramid has been found

crayfish, pitt, pets, writing, work

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