I have joined
300k_words. It challenges you to write 300,000 words in a year. I know that isn't necessarily a challenge but I am going about the purpose of this comm much differently than the plodding writing that it might suggest.
First, I want to make this a discipline exercise. I want to write the 800 and some odd words that are needed everyday to get to that goal. I want to write everyday. A story or non-fiction piece, at least one. If I write more great but this is my goal to write everyday even if I overshoot the word count. (I have given leeway to major holidays and camping but I can still write in my notebook while camping. )
Second, I'm going to use this as an exercise in organization. Here shortly I will set up a sticky post at the top of my journal. In it I want to set up a table with word counts, titles, subject and date written as well as a link to the piece (probably through the title).
I think this will be good for me. Also I think I'm going to start making sure everything is proofread by someone else, if possible. That I'll work on... and if you are really energetic you can nominate yourself here for some reading. ;)
I already did today's pieces. YAY for writing at 2 am!