Don't even know why I am bothering... strike it to boredom

May 18, 2007 14:33

Gakked from many

Name a character and I'll give you three or more "facts" from my personal fanon about that character.

fandom, meme

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ta_laitha May 19 2007, 03:56:55 UTC
1. Despite his hatred for cops Snake still hooks up with Lt. Susan Brazen after the occurrences in LA. The relationship is anything but smooth sailing between the cop hating Snake and Brazen who was his criminal profiler and responsible for his arrest prior to Escape from LA.

2. He adores and trusts Xena: WP more than he ever would any one else. Mostly this is due to the similarities in their pasts and the fact that she is not afraid to stand up to him or his enemies. The nice legs help too.

3. The woman he wanted to ask to marry him (Sophia Karsonova -his communications specialist in the war) was raped and beheaded by the Russians. His eye was damaged when he turned around to try and save her after her glider was shot down. This paired with his parents' murder by the government is the reason for his insanity after Leningrad.

4. Snake is the Antichrist either truly (in the religious sense) or figuratively (as in being the one who ends the modern world).

5. Snake and Taylor had been friends since childhood. Snake was 7 and Taylor 8 when Taylor moved to Deadwood, SD. Canon only puts it back to his military service but hints that it maybe longer. With his reaction to Taylor's death and the fact he returned to be captured by the cops instead of abandoning Taylor, I've always assumed it was a brotherhood situation that can only be formed by young boys growing up together.

6. Snake was institutionalized in a military asylum between being discharged from the military and his capture in San Francisco. They attempted to brainwash him into believing the war, his eye injury and even Sophia were figments of his troubled mind. He was tortured (as with his other prison related captures) and forcibly injected with a myriad of drugs. This is the reason he is fearful and distrustful of needles when he arrives in NYC. The institutionalization only increased his erradict and destructive tendencies.


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