Jul 21, 2004 16:28
Ok, I am going to go on a rant so bear with me ok?
A lot of stupid things have been happeneing. And by stupid I mean STUPID! Everythings changing, and honestly not for the better! Devon and Ashley are attached at the fucking hip. The funny thing is...is 10 days ago Devon said to me on the phone "Im sick of the stupid drama between the group and I! I think its lame that everyone decided to take the side of Jessi and not even give me a chance to defend myself. And Im pissed off, and Im over it. I want nothing to do with anyone that has turned their back on me for someone who I brought into this group." Then 4 days ago he calls my cell phone and he said " ya know I miss you guys. Not everyone, just you (me), Ryan, Gavin, Chris, Jonny, Andrew,Jackie. I iwhs we could hang out. maybe we should go to lunch next weekend or something, hang out, ya know like old times." And Im like well, its not going to be like old times because first of all old times included Jessica. And secondly, how can you say that you hate everyone, and your sick of us, and your all of a sudden over it, and then the next day ya wanna kick it? WTF??!! How much sense does that make? I find it weird that hes sick of the drama HE caused! As if anyone else caused it. Its all his drama, and its all his mess. All hes doing is running away from it, instead of facing up to it like a man. Like everyone else, Im completely pissed off by the way hes been acting. UGH!!! I wish he would pull his gigantic head out of his ass.
Another issue...Nique ( my big sis ) and Charlie broke up a lil while ago. Nique and I were out to lunch and we ran into Charlie and his new g/f. Shes a hag by the way! But anyways, it was weird because at first when we saw him, he looked right at us and didnt even wave or anything, not even a grin or a smile. Then about 10 or so minutes later he walks by us "looking for the bathroom" and says "OH, hi" Im like WHAT!!! Thats all we get! An "oh, hi" Thats bullshit! Nique went out with you for nearly 2 years, and put up with your shit! Took you into her apartment when your parents kicked you out, even though my mom and dad were not having that. She fucking paid for your car insurance so your stupid ass wouldnt get a ticket and your license suspended..and all she gets is a "oh hi"!!!!! Cmon! thats BULL FUCKING SHIT!!!!! Have just a little ounce of respect for my sister! JEEZ!!!
Thats all..Im sorry to be so negative at the moment..but its been a shitty few days!
Peace and Love