Guess who is a little bored..ME!!!

Jul 20, 2004 14:39

1. Who has the prettyiest eyes? Krystal

2. Who has the biggest smile? Chris R

3. Who has the whitest teeth ? LOL dont know

4. Who makes you smile the most? Jessi and Krys

5. Who can you carry on a conversation with the most? Jessi, Krys, JOnny

6.Who has the biggest butt? LOL dony know that one either

7. Whos the funniest? Steve Jessi
8. Whos the rudest? maybe me
9. Whos the drama problem fixer of your group? Usually Jessi and Ryan

10. Who do you wish you could go out wit? LOL..??
11. Would you go out with th person whos giving you thse questions? I dont know who gave these to me
12. Whos the easiest person to talk to? Jessi, Krys, And Nique my sis

13. Who would you want to be your sister and your brother? if had jess as my sister there would serious insest going on LOL

14. If you could be anything what would it be? LOL dont know older??
15. Whos the pretyiest Blonde? Krystal of course!
16. Whos the prettyiest brunette?Jessi and Drew LOL
17. Whos your best guy and girl friend? its Drew Girl.ties between Krys and we see a theme here

18. What makes you sqiurm? weird ppl on BArt

19. Who wears there makeup the best? I dont know

20. Who needs makeup? LOL ASHLEY and RINA

21. What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you? hmm..I dont recall
22. Favorite movie? A cinderella story

23. Favorite color? PINK

24. Favorite food? CAke
25.Who looks great no matter what there wearing? Gotta say Krys

26. who is most likely to arrive late to a party? ME

27.Who do you think always has money? JOnny

28. Who looks the best in Red,Orange,yellow,blue,brown? Thats a weird question

29. who comes close to leading the life of a soap opera? Devon, he brings it on himself though

30. Whos diary would you most like to get your hands on? Devon, I would like to know what he REALLY thinks about us

031. Who can u imagine marrying if you could pick? KRYS!

32. If you could swap your enitire wardrobe wit anyone who would it be? I like my stuff
33. Whos the sweetest person? k and J (i wont spell the names anymore LOL
34. Who would you choose to be handcuffed to for a week? K J or A

35. Who is the most mature? J by far..she may be the baby but shes sorta like a mom to
36.Who is the most carefree person? steveo

37.Who has the most best singin voice? ??? all of us can sing a note or two in the car..LOL

38.Who would do anything on a dare? STEVEO!

39. Who cant pass up a sale? K
40. Whos has the best over all features? ???

41. Who has the nicest hair? LOL..???
42. If you could switch bodies with anyone of the opposite sex who woulditbe? Devon to see what its like to be an asshole all the time
43. Who could put a smile on your face ? K J A and Nique
44. Who do you like that noone knws about? everyone knows basically every little thing about me

45. Did you have fun answering these questions? not really
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