Feb 02, 2007 12:58
Ok So here is an Update. The whole roommate thing didnt go quite as I had hoped for. Ryan had acutally had someone else interested in his apartment I presume before me, and offered Ryan more money than the rent originally was, now that I think about it i was stupid for not offering him more. Anyway he chose the other guy which is COMPLETELY fine with me, he let me know what was going on before hand, and didnt keep me in the dark and i respect the hell out of that. I know he and I will be hanging out soon, he is a very cool guy. So I had to go to plan B. Which was find a place on your own. I tried looking for another roommate but they all seemed like losers or people I would never get along with ,so I quit that. Then just as I was prining out all of the apartments that I wanted to go see in the valley the next day... I get a phone call and its my cousin Dawn. Dawn had scheduled me an interview with the people that she worked with at Safeway Corperate at 1:30 the next day! So I went and got the job on the spot, all that im waiting on is the Drug test results and i know I passed so I have a new job! Im with the costumer Service Team getting $11.97 an Hour to start Full (And i mean full) benefits after 30 days and after a year they reimberce me for college! School for free! Now I know you are all wondering where is this place? and where will you be moving? It is in North Phoenix (about a 50 min drive from Mesa) and im going to be living there as well. Ill be making enough to support myself and im just way excited. The only downside is I will have to learn Phoenix and i wont be as close to my friends as i would like. But this job is just too good to pass up. Hope your happy for me and I love you all!
Peace, Love, and Hairgrease.