Did anyone watch Miss USA last night? I did, because really, I kinda like watching pretty girls in pretty dresses and rating them with my mom and sister. It’s fun! But guys, this year…
YOU ARE A DUMB BITCH. Perez Hilton’s words, not mine, though I can make an echo on his opinion. I mean, California started out okay, saying that we [the states] get to choose, then she TOTALLY fucks it up by saying "HEY I AM AGAINST SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. THAT'S JUST HOW I WAS RAISED." And then she says, "I'M FOR , UM, OPPOSITE MARRIAGE".
Oh, and Arizona, who I was sort of rooting for, didn’t answer her question at all. It was like asking, “What’s your favorite color?” In which she would respond with, “There are a million colors in the world. I like dancing. I like dancing the tango. That’s it.” Me and my sister were like LOL WHAT.
Cleary, North Carolina was the most intelligent of the lot, or had the easier question. I don’t know. There’s usually at least ONE smartie in the group. Not this year, lol.
Btw, the one who won Miss Congeniality was bashfully cute.
And everyone was pretty. That's what really counts.
Ooh, hey, and I did a couple of fic-memes.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose. (ETA:
softlyforgotten is setting a crazy new fad and because I want to be cool like her, I’m doing it her way, which is drabbles. In theory.)
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
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novembersmith . :D My answers are
HERE. Captain Eddie Izzard on a Longwing, Y/Y?
Aaand, I did a 16-characters meme which went horribly overboard with ficlets, ranging from utter crack to SRS!UST angst times.
The ones I took seriously are probably the only ones worth reading:
#9 (Tharkay/Granby), #10 (Robin/young!Tharkay), #11 (Laurence/Christopher), and #13 (Laurence/Granby).