How pucks make little pucks.
IT TICKLES ME THAT ROBIN IS MIOTIC. But, ooooh, the fic that would sprout from this new information. HEY. Robin/Ishiah/Robin is totally possible now. Or Niko can get his own Robin. Then there’s Hob/Robin. EVERYONE GETS A ROBIN. EVEN ROBIN.
Like, once Robin duplicates or whatever, technically they’re both the same person inheriting all the memories and, technically, there would be no “original” one since Robin’s just basically splitting in half. So what about the naming issues? The ownership of possessions? THE MASSIVE OVERLOAD OF HORNIESS IN ONE PLACE?
…Maybe that’s why all pucks generally can’t stomach a long-term, steady relationship. (Ishiah, you BEAST.)
And I am still working of this fic meme which has seemed to have gotten way out of hand. Oh, and since I'm on the subject of Robin, I am in the process of writing a Robin/Tharkay snippet. YOU CAN BLAME THE MEME.
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caitism ! (I totally lost the game on hers. Dx )
Two Truths, One Lie. Guess which.
- When I was 13, I punched an 8 year-old little boy in the face, and meant it. Then I took his jacket and backpack and threw it up in a tree.
- One time I wiped out while boogie boarding and was knocked unconscious. I woke back up when I washed up on the sand seconds after. My sister thought I had been floating my way back.
- I have eaten sheep testicles.