Today California Universities had a state wide Walk-Out.
It is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Protests on campuses! Students blocking buildings and lecture halls! Handing out pamphlets! Waving signs!
You people are preaching to the goddamn choir.
We are already aware that it sucks. We’re the ones feeling the budget cuts and increased tuition. It doesn’t do the protesters any good drilling it into our skulls. Okay! I GET IT. I’M A STUDENT TOO. But I am paying for this education and I’ll damn well go to my classes when I please.
I felt nothing but secondhand embarrassment when I saw a crowd in front of the Admissions Building. Who, exactly, are they protesting to? Our professors? OUR POOR PROFESSORS. 10% salary cut, do you think they want that? Most are going out of their way to give us the full course, even with all the furlough days.
So they go on teaching their classes while more than half the students walk out of them.
The fuck, y’all.
Now, I’m not against the subject of protests itself, but only the way it’s being handled. Effective protests work best when done to people who don’t care. Make them care. Go to supermarkets and elementary schools, stop young parents, tell them “hey, if your son or daughter is planning to go to college, then you’d better check these budget cuts out. The way it’s going, your son/daughter is going to have to pay 60% more than what we’re paying right now!”
Or, you go to old people and say, “Hey, I wanna be a nurse to take care of people like you, but these budget cuts are making it hard for me to complete my education. We really need more nurses/doctors/engineers/etc out there in the workforce.” Well, with more tack, of course, but you get what I’m saying.
As far as I’m concerned, my campus is pretty small, so if we wanted any publicity… well, shoot. Go to UCLA or Berkley. I’m sure their protests are more effective because of their sheer population. But still, I don’t see any benefits from this “Walk-Out” anywhere. Students (and some professors) are only hurting themselves. There was no need for it, really. Just pick a day to hold a regular protest that's not on campus, jeez.
And it’s late and blah. Rant over. Good night!
Oh, but because it was pretty much the highlight of my day; kudos to the student who made that hideous sculpture of a fat man jacking off. Everyone, no matter who it was, went WTF. Hahahah. irl trolling.