
Oct 12, 2007 13:12

So, SPN's 3rd season has started.

I really don't know what to think of this show. Every time I watch it, I have this running commentary in my head about all the things I think are stupid and sloppy and bad characterization. But I watch it anyway. Lol, go figure.

The first season ended with Daddy giving up his life for Dean. Now the second season ended with Dean giving up his life for Sammy. What's the chances of the third season ending with Sammy giving his life up for Dean? Can you say repetitive?

Crossroad Demon: I'm giving you one season in exchange for your brother's life.
Dean: Sweet! This means we have the 3rd season finale already booked. This is just like that thing I always did with that one library book I loved so much. I'd give it back and get my friend to borrow it for me and the other way around.
Crossroad Demon: *headdesk* I told Satan there was a loop-hole. But does he listen? Does he ever? No, and now it's up to me not to look ridiculous and ridiculous-er every time I show up in the season finales *mutter grumble grouse*.
Dean: Hey, you could always get another color for your contact lenses. Look what attention it brought the yellow-eyed guy. I think red would go well with your mysterious black hair.

This episode today was just another example of sloppy plot. Dean's and Sam's attention is being attracted to a community where a whole lot of freak accidents keep killing people. It turns out that the community is being haunted by Changelings, beings who snatch children and impersonate them in order to infiltrate the families so they can feed on the mothers. There's one kid in the community, Ben, that Dean suspects could be his son - Ben is the 8-year-old kid of a yoga teacher Dean had a fun weekend with about 8 years ago - and of course, he gets snatched as well. But while every other kidnapping was accompanied by a "freak accident", Ben's snatching just happens. Why? Because Dean and Sam are already in the area and know about the case.

How considerate of the Changelings to make sure they kill enough people to attract hunters to their business.

Oh, and then there's the business of the new mystery chick. Didn't we see this plotline already? I remember a blond good-looking demon chick from earlier seasons. Didn't they send her back to hell and kill the host? And now she's back and has taken another pretty blond female host and is offering to help Sam, and he falls for it again? Either that, or it's really a new demon. In any case, again - can you say repetitive?

*sigh* I know I shouldn't make fun of the show when I'm still watching it and waiting for each new episode. I do like it. I mean, I like Dean. He's not the brightest candle on the birthday cake, but he's fun. I like his angst. Sammy and his anti-christ shit bores me to tears, but then, that's something else I can make fun of. Maybe I'm watching this show only for the dead relatives. There are a lot of dead relatives in this show. I have a thing for that ;).

tv: spn

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