
Oct 12, 2007 03:00

Okay, so, I'm back.

I don't really know why, but about two weeks ago my brain decided it needed a time-out. It wouldn't let me do anything; sleep, study, write, read, socialze - no matter what I did, my brain refused to cooperate.

That was bad timing, because I had two exams coming up and hadn't studied enough for them anyway. I felt trapped, anywhere I looked stuff was crowding in on me and I pulled back from everything, even LJ, and spent the whole time reading Due South fanfiction.

In restrospect, I guess that wasn't that much of a loss, considering all the less interesting things I could have done with my time.

Anyway, what I eventually did, I finally accepted my doctor's offer to start seeing a counselour, and I got myself a doctor's certificate that excused me from my exams. I know that was the easy way out, and it doesn't really go well with the way I like to do things, but I can't tell you how good it felt when that pressure was finally lifted off me. I suddenly was able to write again, and to be happy about fandom stuff again.

This was when I realized how much I missed you guys.

So, I decided to come back and share with you any awesomeness I stumbled across during those last two or so weeks. And to apologize for dropping off the face of LJ like that. I hope nobody's too mad at me.

I posted a while back that I had ventured into the fandom of Due South. Well, I haven't really ventured into the fandom, meaning I haven't taken any active part in it (yet), but I have watched all four seasons, I've read tons of fic and I've already infected wihluta with the dS virus.

Due South the show, especially the last two seasons, is awesomeness. It's slashtastic, it's funny, it's angsty, too, it has two adorably handsome actors as main characters, there are rubber ducks and planes and polar bears and wolves and axes and singing and country music and curling and bad guys and Mounties and nice old cars and buddy breathing and ghosts and Frannie and old computers and cell phones bigger than my toaster and jumping and chasing and parachuting off buildings and mineshafts and getting shot and sledding off into the sunset together. They even coordinate the color of the sets and the colors of the clothes the actors are wearing. It's awesomeness.

I'm gonna link a few of the fics I thought were especially awesome. Since I'm a fandom newbie, I'm probably reccing everybody's favorites, but hey. Can't hurt.

Sorted by length, shortest one first.

Let It Be by colleen
F/K - ~4000 words - Mature
First time fic, post-CotW. Very sweet. Ray's voice is done very well.

Angels Unaware or It's A Wonderful Life, Ray Kowalski by Etui
F/K - ~5000 words - All Audiences
A sweet little post-Good For The Soul fic. Ray POV.

Silence by anonymous co.
F/K - ~5000 words - All Audiences
Post-The Ladies Man. That episode manages every time to break my heart. This fic mends it quite nicely :). Fraser POV.

Sizzle by anonymous co.
F/K - ~5500 words - Mature
Ray has a sizzle for the Mountie. Sweet funny first time fic from Ray's POV.

Crying For Yesterday by Alison
F/K - ~10,000 words - Mature
Established relationship fic - Ray has to deal with Stella's death. Various POVs.

Flu Blues by avg_62
F/K - ~18,000 words - Mature
Established relationship fic. This has some flaws, and Ray is probably rather OOC, but it's crack-your-ribs-laughing funny and captures Fraser's twisted ways of thinking perfectly. Fraser POV throughout.

Foreign Territory Part I Part II Part III by Aristide
F/K - ~19,500 words - Mature
First time fic. Smut fest, very sweet, very funny; a light, enjoyable read while not being boring. A very IC Ray voice throughout.

Fading Into Red by Jennifer and Cerise
F/K - ~21,000 words - Mature
Established relationship fic, post-CotW. When the news of Lt. Welsh's death reach them, Fraser and Ray have to leave their refuge up North and deal with the real world. Both POVs.

Finding The Words by Berty
F/K - ~30,000 words - Mature
It's one of the many brain-damaged!Ray fics out there, but imho, it's done very nicely. Both POVs.

The Course by Bone & Aristide
F/K - ~32,000 words - Mature
Ray's a teacher in this one. Not AU, undercover ;). Post-CotW, lots of smut. Both POVs.

Eight Sessions by Speranza
F/K - ~34,500 words - Mature
Can't very well read all of Speranza's dS fics without reccing at least one of them. Well, this one I enjoyed very much - Ray and Fraser have to go see a shrink. Things go from there. Various POVs.

The Sweet Hereafter by china-shop
F/K - ~45,000 words - Mature
Brilliant fic that perfectly captures the nuttiness of Due South. Due to a freak accident involving a wood-carved cayote totem, Fraser and his father exchange bodies. Has some angsty parts, and some drop-dead funny ones. The sex is sparse and not the best I've ever read, but the rest is delicious. Both POVs.

I also have two vids to rec.

O Canada by H
Men with Brooms/Due South x-over vid. Very, very funny. Right click & save target as. [Vidder's Homepage]

Icebound Stream by sisabet
Fraser/Victoria vid. Most people probably know this one because it's brilliant, but on the off-chance any of you haven't seen it yet... here's the vidder's meta on the vid: click]

Well, then there is the new House episode that I haven't yet squeed about, but I will do that tomorrow in form of an episode tag I wrote today. Yes, I wrote fic, imagine that. I am so proud of myself.

Oh, fandom. I'm glad to be back. :D

fic: ficrec, vidding: vidrec, fandom: general, real life

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