So, I just got myself a job that will get me around 1,680 GBP until August 15.
I checked, and I could get a flight from London to NYC on August 23, and back on September 17, for a reasonable price. I could rent a car and afford hostel accommodation for that time--as long as I don't have to pay more than $20 a night--and still be left with about $25 a day to spend on random stuff.
That's pretty tight planning, money-wise, but since I don't think I'd be needing a car for the whole time, it could work out--as long as I can convince my parents to let me borrow the money for the flight off them so I can book now, before I get paid.
Anyway, all you East Coast guys--are you around during that time?
I'd want to see NYC, obviously, and then drive down towards Philadelphia and Washington. Then it sort of depends. Places I'd like to see include the Niagara Falls and Boston, but that's sort of the exact opposite direction. I'd be wandering around roughly in this area, anyway:
Let me know if there's any possibility of meeting up--no matter if we talk a lot or not or whether you're thinking a week of fangirl funtimes or just a couple of hours at Starbucks. I'm not over there very often, so, you know, I'd like to meet as many of you as I can.
Oh, and this trip isn't at all 100% sure yet. I'm just considering my options, really, and trying to figure out if it'd be smarter to wait till winter break.