Just finished watching 3x20 First Strike.
Oh what a great episode! I loved it! Except the cliffhanger, cliffhangers always just about kill me, which is why I don't really like watching live series.
First Strike is a lot like The Siege. Which is cool, because Rodney gets to play a big part. And in First Strike, he's so very loyal and noble; it makes you feel all fuzzy and warm inside (well, it made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside). And they do all this very awesome technical stuff in this episode - first, they submerge Atlantis, and then they power the stardrive and take off! In one episode!
Oh, and the Rodney/Radek slashiness! "Why don't you two guys just make out and get it over with?" First John/Ronon, now McKay/Zelenka - this series is getting slashier and slashier. Not that I'm complaining. On the contrary.
Summary: Love it, does anybody have a TARDIS or a time accelerator so I can jump to July and see how this continues?