stuck in a little room in the basement

Jan 31, 2006 20:24

I've gotten bored of all the mind-puzzle time wasters laying around, so I figured I might as well update. Cuz, y'know, it's been a while.

This term I've disappeared into the black hole that is my comps experiment. I've run about 35 people, and have 30 left to go. My marathon session tonight (I was hoping to run 11-12 people) fizzled into only 8 (assuming the last 2 show up), though I'll still have been here for 6 hours by the end. So yeah, comps is comps and stressful and crazy and all that, but whatever.

The exciting news is that I'm going to San Francisco this weekend with Lauren. It'll be good to get away. Although all my profs have been (I think) unreasonably upset that I won't be here thursday. I made these travel plans before the term started, what do they want me to do?

Things have generally been good, though I've been feeling bad more than I should.
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