Nov 16, 2004 15:13
So I spend Thanksgiving with my extended family on my dad's side every year. About four or five years ago, my grandparents decided that making Thanksgiving dinner was just too much effort, and started ordering it from a local restaurant that does that kind of thing. (Isn't LA just amazing?) I understand the rationale for ordering a turkey. Sure, I'll buy that. But the rest of the food just isn't very good. And, seriously, what use is Thanksgiving if the food isn't good? It's just a lot of awkward sitting around. So I thought, I don't mind cooking, in fact, I enjoy it. Not the whole meal, but maybe some stuffing, cuz the stuff that comes with the turkey is really pretty gross. Suggested it to my parents - their reaction: you shouldn't do that, it would just cause trouble. Good lord, can't a girl cook some decent food without the world crashing down around her? Apparently not. So I will have to suffer through mediocre crap food and pretend it's great. And I won't even get wine to dull the edges. Can you tell how much I'm looking forward to this? grrr.