Jun 24, 2004 17:37
I have half an hour of work left today, and I'm really ready to be done. I have been for an hour and a half already. Not that I don't like what I'm doing, because I do! I just don't want to actually do any of it right now. It's been a long and slow afternoon.
I went to a protest at lunchtime, though. Apparently, Bush's campaign headquarters is just up the street from my office. Who would've guessed? There was a protest today about Bush's policy and actions concerning AIDS drugs. They printed up a big fake check 'signed' by Bush and made out to Pharamaceutical Companies and Right-Wingers for some amount of money that Bush was supposed to spend on AIDS drugs. The point was mostly that generic drugs should be allowed. The security guards at the campaign headquarters wouldn't even let us onto the sidewalk outside the building. It was kind of funny, actually. I went with another intern, and we didn't really know what we were getting ourselves into. We had gotten an e-mail from the intern coordinator saying that this thing was happening and reccommending that interns go. So we went. I guess that's the big excitement of my day.
Anyway, if you want to know more about how I'm doing and what I'm up to (and you know you do!) e-mail me or call me at 703-532-4356.