Why I love my state

Mar 17, 2004 18:16

A second county is now issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples. And this is in spite of the fact that the Attorney General ruled last week that the licenses are illegal, though the law preventing them is probably unconstitutional. So same sex couples continue to get married in two Oregon counties; the only place in the country (I think) where they can do so right now.

Basic Rights Oregon has news blurbs following the story at: http://www.basicrights.org/2600-news.htm

Who would have guessed that it would be little old Oregon out in the front of this gay-rights fight? This is how change happens from the ground up. County commissioners listen to their constituents, legal advisors go out and find where laws against same sex marriage are unconstitutional. And, oh, the joy and jubilation of the thousands of newlyweds who never thought they'd get the chance. Makes me proud of my state.
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