Our Trip to Staple! 2010 Part 4

Mar 16, 2010 22:39

Duk & Run 1 by Chad Townsend www.chadtownsend.com

This is the story of Noah who works at Mad Dog Studios with his strange crew of anthropomorphic animal friends, including Duk, Hyde, Feeney and Andie.  I especially liked the Halloween segment in the book.  Chad is an incredibly talented artist who I really like.

The Austin Sketchgroup www.austinsketchgroup.org


I Am the President of Ice Cream 1 by Geoff Sebesta

Sequentular is a comic book anthology that includes Dark Muse by Carey Atchison, A Minor Threat by Geoff Sebesta, Eyebeam (bug strips) by Sam Hurt, An Unfortunate Karma by John David Brown, Single by A. Litsa and We Need a New Zeus by Zach Taylor.  These folks are all very talented.  I enjoyed this comic very much.

Geoff Sebesta also had a copy of his “I Am The President of Ice Cream” available at the show. It is the story of a mean old man who is President of Ice Cream who is out to make everyone who isn’t paying for ice cream pay for it, with extreme prejudice.  This includes the homeless, people who are gifted ice cream and kids.  Killing people is wrong, but so is stealing ice cream.  He gets what’s coming to him in the end.

That Damned Cat by David Lamplugh

The story of a cat (Mr. Chuckles) possessed by a man who hates cats and his adventures with people who are dying, with visions of their past and oh so much more.  It is a supernatural black comedy inspired by the true story of the cat that knows when you are going to die.  This is written by Chris “Uncle Staple” Nicholas in a style I found to be incredibly fun to read.  I loved these comics!

david lamplugh, geoff sebesta, chad townsend, austin sketchgroup

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