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Comments 31

love_jackianto February 21 2008, 23:23:03 UTC
I'm surprised that no one has caught the Ianto/Lisa Jack/Owen parallel until now... interesting. Excellent point. I really don't think he is going to stay dead, so his fate may be different.


szm February 22 2008, 11:04:48 UTC
I always get the best ideas when I'm on a double shift and have no where to write them down.

I think Owens probably going to be okay, but as it stands now he's really not much better off than Lisa.


love_jackianto February 22 2008, 15:43:41 UTC
'think Owens probably going to be okay, but as it stands now he's really not much better off than Lisa.' Oh yes. In episode 7, I got the feeling that Ianto saw the parallel too.


crowson75 February 22 2008, 12:29:22 UTC
Very good point....


szm February 22 2008, 22:38:16 UTC
Thank you I thought so... *g*


whizzy February 22 2008, 22:47:07 UTC
I've seen several comments to the effect that Jack knew he was doing something supremely dangerous by using the second glove. But... when you recall the first episode, he was actively encouraging experimentation with the first glove. Torchwood used it numerous times, tested and pushed its abilities. I'm not sure they even considered it dangerous until the link with Suzie nearly killed Gwen.

So when Jack uses the second glove, the only real danger he's aware of is to the user -- namely himself -- and even that is minimal considering he's got an endless supply of life for Owen to leech.


fides February 22 2008, 23:14:14 UTC
Exactly what I have been thinking. The danger came from pushing the glove's abilities and the chance of the user getting to caught up in it. Susie appears to have used the first glove sucessfully and with no problem - right up until she decided to start murdering people to advance the research. He isn't using the knife so even the life leeching side-effect is unlikely and they know how to deal with that.

Jack is just doing what they have done repeatedly and successfully with no bad effects (not counting the corpse creation). All he is doing is getting them two minutes in which they can say goodbye. He isn't trying to save Owen or bring him back beyond few minutes because he recognises that Owen is dead (insert Monty Python/Red Dwarf skit here) and its game over. Yes, he admits he hoping for a miracle, but who in that situation wouldn't be hoping it was all a mistake and Owen would suddenly not be dead.


szm February 22 2008, 23:29:43 UTC
Jack was pretty agaisnt using the glove in TKKS. And I don't think he'd go to creepyTarot!girl lightly. And she did try to warn him (in a fairly oblique way admittedly). Jack did seem (to me) to know that this was a bad idea - but he did it anyway.


fides February 22 2008, 23:59:15 UTC
Totally bad idea - when you have a glove like that there is always the temptation it represents which afterall is, partly, what destroyed Suzie. It's why he didn't tell UNIT he had it after all.

There is a difference between bad idea (of which Torchwood Three has many on a weekly basis) and deliberately risking the world/Cardiff.


stopwatch_plz February 22 2008, 23:01:39 UTC
I thought the same.

Also, I've been thinking - now that Jack's met the Doctor and asked him all the questions that kept him going through season one... what's keeping him going now?

And re-watching DMW tonight... Jack seems a lot less sure of himself and a lot more reckless. I'm still not sure why he brought Owen back - and I'm not entirely sure why he did either (his reasoning in the cell with Owen wasn't good enough fo rme, sorry *lol*)


justinej February 22 2008, 23:30:16 UTC
With you here. I think it was really silly and put an awful lot of people at risk.


stopwatch_plz February 22 2008, 23:39:06 UTC
It really was.
When he got back to the Hub with the box that the glove was, he hesitated a little too long before showing everyone what it was. Because he know everyone would react to it - especially Ianto.

But hey, scary/emotional Owen is kinda cool, so we'll let him off ;)


justinej February 22 2008, 23:58:31 UTC
I have to say, it has made Owen into a more likeable person, but not sure that's the role he should be playing? You need a bastard in this and he did do a jolly good job and was sexy for it.

I don't know, I just can't get my head around this episode at all...


qaffangyrl February 22 2008, 23:21:24 UTC
Yeah. I was thinking about Cyberwoman the whole made me wonder if that's why Ianto was so quiet in this ep. What was going through his head...

was it "NOW do you understand, Jack?"

or was it..."so Owen's worth trying to save but Lisa wasn't?"

I hope this doesn't have a negative affect on Jack/Ianto.


szm February 22 2008, 23:34:29 UTC
Ianto closes down for a lot of this ep, which is pretty much what you'd expect, but he is hard to read like that


qaffangyrl February 22 2008, 23:37:31 UTC
yeah... I really hope we learn more about his back story. Like how he came to Torchwood London...what his job was there...

AND HOW THE FUCK he transported Lisa and and the cyberconversion equipment all the way to wales, got it in the hub (where jack lives) and kept it secret for least a year?


justinej February 22 2008, 23:59:33 UTC
See, I'm so shallow. I never thought about any of that!


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