Yes, I've put up some new photos of my sweeties, particularly Mambo. (When I get the site updated again, I'll be installing a gallery so there won't be this "index page" nonsense...until then, I can't be bothered. :P)
inkytwist pointed out to me in a panic that she was unable to login to her ftp account on I tried, and I couldn't figure it out either. And then I looked closer, and it turns out that the domain's control panel swallowed up all but the default ftp accounts on it.
This is what happens when I don't let them out. They whine, they cry, they won't eat, they won't drink, they won't use the litterbox, and they just basically go nuts
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We've been letting the cats out for the past little while. They come and go via the bedroom window, and they've been sleeping better, eating better, demanding less attention from us, peeing less on the carpet, etc
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